Chapter Seven

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"What's got you so cheery at this ungodly hour?" Cole grumbled, rubbing his eyes. Maya smiled, biting into her toast. "Flying class today." Charlie and Maya said in unison, grinning at each other. Danielle shuddered. "It's creepy when you two do that, it's like you're twins in a horror movie." Charlie went pale and choked on his eggs. Cole whacked him on the back. The morning post arrived, and Charlie watched his brother receive a letter, tear it open, read it, then his glass of pumpkin juice shatter. He bolted up out of his seat, the whole of the hall now staring at him, marched over to Charlie, grab his arm and drag him out the hall.

"Ow what the hell Bill what's going on?" Charlie complained, trying to pull out of his older brother's grip. Cole was watching them curiously. Maya jumped up with a frown. "I wonder what's going on." She decided to follow them out of the hall.

Bill had dragged Charlie into an alcove near the stairs- Maya tiptoed into the gap underneath the stairs to listen in. "It's a letter from mum." Bill shoved the parchment in his brother's face. "They've found Penelope, they know where and who she is. Mum said we can't tell anyone, as she doesn't know yet. Apparently she is to be told this weekend."

"Wait is it... Maya?" Charlie whispered. Maya couldn't hear Bill's reply. "Holy shit." Charlie murmured. "And she doesn't know?"
"No, and you absolutely cannot tell her." Bill said firmly. "Bill, she's one of my best mates! I can't look her in the eye and treat her the same now I know!" Charlie said in frustration. "How is it fair that we know before she does, anyway? It'll throw her world on its head!" Bill nodded, laying a reassuring hand on his brother's shoulder.

"I do question how the adults are handling this. But it's Thursday, I'm sure you can last until Saturday." Bill shoved the letter into the pocket of his robes, and the two boys stepped out the alcove. Maya stepped out from under the stairs. "What the hell is going on?" She asked, hands on hips, her voice shaking. The two boys turned pale. "Who is Penelope and what does it have to do with me?" Charlie looked at his brother with an expression of 'you broke it, you fix it.' The older boy sighed, grabbing the two younger students by the sleeves and dragging them down the corridor to find an empty classroom.

He pushed them both in and closed the door. "You might want to sit." Maya shook her head. He sighed. "Whatever. I'm probably going to get murdered for telling you, but you're too damn nosey for your own good." Maya scowled, crossing her arms again. She tapped her foot impatiently.

"Penelope is my twin sister." Charlie spoke. "She was kidnapped by Death Eaters a few hours after we were born, and we never saw her again. We didn't know what had happened to her. Our parents-" Charlie paused, struggling to continue. Bill stepped in. "Our parents recieved a visit from the headmaster, who informed them he had found Penelope. She had been left in a French orphanage, and adopted out by a wizarding couple who couldn't have kids. Sound familiar?" Maya blinked, looking between the two. Besides the hair, she could really see the resemblance. She had the same nose as Bill, and her brow furrowed in the same way Charlie's did. She also had the same eyes.

"So I- I'm your sister?" She stammered out, deciding she should have sat after all, and abruptly sitting. "Fuck." Bill crouched in front of her so he was in her eyeline. "You okay?" Then he winced. "Sorry, stupid question. But are you gonna be okay to go to lessons?" Maya looked down at her trembling hands. She took a deep breath. "I don't know. I don't want you to get into trouble, and I was looking forward to flying class."

"It's just until Saturday, Maya." Charlie said reassuringly. "Two days of pretending you don't know. I'm sure you can do that!"
"Yeah." Maya said emotionlessly. "Two days. I can do that." Charlie grabbed her hand, pulling her to her feet. "Come on. Let's go fly a broom, that will take your mind off it."
Maya's head was spinning, and she wanted to simultaneously throw up and pass out. The two headed out to the courtyard where their first flying lesson would take place. The others were giving them strange looks- Maya wasn't doing a very good job at acting okay.

"You alright?" Ben asked curiously. Charlie nodded, shoving Maya into line next to him as Madam Hooch arrived. "She's fine. Just tired." Charlie replied. Cole's brow furrowed, and he opened his mouth to say something. Charlie flashed him a look and he fell quiet.

Maya stared down at the ground, as if willing it to give way underneath her. "Pull yourself together." He hissed in her ear. "If you weren't so bloody Gryffindor you wouldn't have overheard us!"
"I wish I hadn't." Her voice wavered, and Charlie felt crushed. "You mean you aren't happy about who your birth family is?" Maya looked up to meet his eyes, which were wide and watery.

"No that's not what I meant!" She cried. It's just- argh I don't even know! My brain is all jumbled." She turned and sprinted off towards the castle. Charlie turned to chase her, but Ben and Cole grabbed his arms. "You'll get into trouble for skipping lessons, and I dunno what's happened between you two, but clearly she doesn't want to see you right now." Ben said.

Maya gasped for air, her chest tight. She wasn't sure where she was heading, but she needed somewhere to think. She barrelled around the corner, and straight into someone. Blinking and dazed, she looked up at the stern face of Professor McGonagall. "And where are you going Miss Cartwright?" The professor asked. "You should be in your flying class right now."

Maya felt the emotions she was trying to keep at bay take over and she sunk to the floor, hyperventilating, tears streaming down her face. Professor McGonagall crouched next to the girl, lacing her hands on her shoulders. "Look at me, focus on your breathing. In, and out." After a few minutes, she calmed down.

"Come with me." Professor McGonagall set off towards her office, and Maya trailed behind, exhausted. She just wanted to curl up in bed. "Have a biscuit, Cartwright." Maya took a ginger newt from the tartan tin, hand shaking as she collapsed in the chair facing the desk. Professor McGonagall sat down at her desk, looking at the girl with such an intense stare that Maya looked down at the biscuit.

"What's going on?" The Professor asked. Maya took a bite of her biscuit, shaking her head. "I can't say."
"Miss Cartwright, you were having a panic attack. I need to know what caused it. And if you won't speak to me, I'll bring your parents in."
"Which ones?" Maya muttered, then realised her error. She saw the flash of realisation in McGonagall's eyes.
"You know? How do you know?"

"I overheard Bill and Charlie talking, and demanded they tell me what was going on." Maya admitted, breaking the remainder of the biscuit in half. "I shouldn't have done it, and I wish I hadn't. My brain feels... scrambled."

"Pop along to the hospital wing, get Madam Pomfrey to draw you up a calming drought. You can stay there the rest of the day, you're excused from classes." Professor  McGonagall spoke. "I'll sort it from here. It seems we will have to bring your meeting with your adoptive parents a couple of days forward."

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