Camping trip

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Five students from my school who were a grade older went on a camping trip way before my grade had to go one of the members was the guy I love but had a falling out with basically my heart break when they went on a trip my class had a few celebrities come visit my celebrity was Manny MUA, we had a brief conversation about how much he inspires me and I hoped to be an aspiring makeup artist, he gave me a few tips and said if I ever needed and help I could contact me he mentioned that I seem pretty genuine about being a makeup artist and that even though I didn't ask for further help he wanted to see me grow so he gave me his number.

I was pretty stoked about a celebrity wanting to watch me become something amazing in the future but I knew later on the day I had to pack carefully for the trip since a few of my friends were coming on the trip no one else that was 'popular' or wasn't a person I talk to was going.

The 'camping' trip was a new built village well that's what it looked like anyway, the village had a nearby cave and no teachers were allowed to go which was a bit of a shock my friends wanted to go find the other five people but I really didn't want to go look for them mainly because I'd see him again the last time I seen him was when we were still flirting and my best friend Sarah tagged along to prevent anything awkward from happening but yeah we sat down in the train and went to the trip.

DANG!! I knew I forgot swimsuit but whatever I can make an excuse that I'm afraid of drowning or something that should do it.

Once we arrived it was a beautiful village enclosed by various types of trees, along side  the village was a lake it looked so clean as though if anyone was to jump in they'd be clean for at least those two weeks we were staying, we all could pick a hut each which we all did as soon as we got there, no one was really leading the group we all just went our separate ways and Sarah was the closest person I talked to in the group there was only like seven people including myself, the village also had a hot tub in the central area it was pretty small only about five people could possibly fit in but I forgot my swimsuit so I wasn't going to go near it or in it.

The hut I had picked already had someone else's stuff in it and it was belonging to a boy welp I couldn't just throw it out so I left it there untouched and sorted my stuff out while I was sorting my things Sarah and Dovile come into my hut and sat on my top bunk the two girls asked who's stuff was on the bottom bunk and I replied with 'I don't know just don't touch anything I don't want the dude to be mad' the two girls proceeded to smile at each other and Sarah laughed saying 'you think it could be Dara's stuff?' At that moment I froze I felt like I couldn't move as if I was a statue my heart felt as though it fell into a million pieces and the only thing I could do was let out a huge sigh and looked at them 'even if it is I don't want to touch it'

Sarah: 'why not maybe his phones in there he hasn't been texting me'
Me: 'and if his phone is there you don't think he has a passcode?'
Dovile: 'I think we should see what he has it'll be interesting to see what's in there'
Sarah: 'yeah Kat don't you want to know what he has?'
Me: 'no it's bad enough that I'm practically sharing a hut with him I don't want to go through his bag and that's final'

I let out another sigh and the girls looked at each other in disappointment as I sorted everything out Dovile grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the hut, as Dovile was doing that Sarah sent a text it was all suspicious to me what could they possibly be doing but I tried ignoring it but Sarah was really glued into her phone and Dovile was pulling me towards the hot tub and sat me down on the ledge by the tub and ran back to Sarah, in the distance I kept hearing 'just call him' now it was too much to ignore I needed  to find out what was happening so I walked slowly towards them almost tripping and Sarah stares into my eyes as though telling me to back up a little so I went back to the ledge where I accompanied my close friend Colm as I was about to say anything his phone rang (could that be Sarah calling Colm and what for?). Colm obviously answered and walked of a little bit after two minutes he walks back to the ledge, we have a normal chat but it's getting very detailed in Dara the heartbreak as soon as I hear foot steps Colm makes an excuse to leave and we exchange goodbyes, once he walks off Sarah and Dovile come up from behind and asked if I wanted to get into the tub as they were talking of their clothes.

Sarah: 'hey wanna get it the tub?'
Dovile: 'it's pretty hot in here'
Me:'no sorry guys forgot my swimsuit'
Dovile:'oh come on why not?'
Me:'not feeling it either I think I'm just going to head to bed see you guys tomorrow?'
Sarah and Dovile:'good night'

As I was walking to my hut my insides started aching like I shouldn't go in but the feeling left after five seconds and I went in and straight away climbed into my bunk having a pillow with leg around it and the other placed by my head it was all black until I woke up I quickly checked underneath and still no sign of whoever owned that stuff it was still in the middle same state as I try to lay my head back Sarah runs into my hut telling me to get out because she heard sounds in the cave, as we got out of the hut there casually walking the five other students that weren't supposed to go on the trip and one of them being Dara I was trying to make sure he wouldn't see me but he did and we just walked past each other without saying a word and again I felt sick I just went on the ledge beside the hut tub after a few news came that the students were going back home and I felt a sense of relief come out of my body.

Sarah and Dovile were again in the tub trying to convince to go in

Dovile:'come on Kat just go in please'
Me:'no I told you I have no swimsuit'
Sarah:'just go in with a bra and underwear'
Me:'hell no im not matching today it'll look weird I'll just play games on my phone instead'

The girls stop trying then and I could feel someone sit next to me I thought nothing of it could probably be Colm or someone besides everyone that was in the cave are gone......or so I thought the person put his arms around me but I didn't notice as I was too much into my game then I realised the two girls were leaving and I noticed that and I saw it was dark out they must be heading to bed but I wasn't tired but now I could feel those arms and I moved away I didn't want to see who it was but I looked anyway it was him.

It was Dara looking at me with a blank face showing no emotion my heart droppedi as soon as I saw his face and I turned back around but now I felt a little bit more comfortable so each time I moved closer him I was then in between of his legs and I lightly placed my head on his chest he then proceeded to wrap his arms around me mind you I was still playing on my phone and I sat in between his legs with both legs over one of his sitting horizontal to him and his hand resting on my head I felt warm being with him once again I felt happy but a slight of darkness over shadowed, he tried making attempts on understanding the game but I was unable to talk in until ten minutes later I had courage to speak and it slightly frightened him and so we talked about the game and I turn off my phone and I turn around to look at him my eyes filling with tears he proceeds to wipe them away and I say 'you don't understand how much it hurts to be with you right now but it feels so right' started crying even more and he hugs me.

I can feel his heart beating and it calmed me down we stopped hugging and we stare at each other slowly getting closer............

My dream was interrupted by a phone call at 10:41am by my friend Colm wanting to talk  he gracefully apologised but I couldn't go back to my dream anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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