The kingdom of magic

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-Night at a crumbling Arabian-like castle.

"DeaGhhHHh!!!!, " A small but undeniably strong scream, roared throughout the crumbling castle created by a desperate boy, me.My shivering weak knees felt onto the castle ground as my arms hardly support this small body from falling. The castle are all swarmed by a lot of strange, tiny and bright looking flying butterfly which are surrounding this helpless child. They are called 'Rukh'. Spirits which exist around us in daily life but only seen by few.

"Ugo..!!,Ugo..!!, "sobbingly... , I called out to him. A big blue genie or we call as djinn that I knew only by name, but strangely enough he's also the one I held, such an unfathomable warm feelings deep in this small heart of mine. This djinn, Ugokun, uses his own body to protect a helpless child like me from the crumbling solids. But.....


"I'd rather die than spend the rest of my life in a place like this!! Ugokun I beg you! Tell me! What am I?! "

"Please forgive me. That is not a question I am allowed to answer."

That child sheds his tears as he writhes in pain of having to withstand the pain of not knowing a thing about himself.

The moment after the castle stops crumbling,Ugoraises his head and replies, "But, if you absolutely insist, by the power of these holy grounds, I can grant your any one wish.My king, the greatest of all those who wield magic, let me turn your wish into reality. Boundless wealth, unimaginable power, and even immortality are yours for the taking if you so desire. Come; tell me what it is you want."

"My wish is .... . Be my friend-Be my friend and let's see the world together!! Is that...Is that wish grant-able, Ugokun? "

Ugo shook his head with a warm smile on his face and that decided everything.

-Night at the dark moon island(The world)

On the other hand, there lives a hardworking blonde guy called Alibaba who works under a rich merchant or rather they call the greedy pig, Master Budel. Many of the old men who work with him would always make fun of him as he dreamt a stupid impossible dream which is to conquer a dungeon but that alone won't affect his commitment to accomplish it.

The dungeon was created by a legendary Magi, Yunan. Magi is a person who can produce enough Magoi to so easily summon a djinn for such an extended period of time. Magoi refers to the energy produced by rukh. Ordinary people are able to use only the rukh available inside of their bodies, but Magi are not limited and can use the rukh energy all around them limitless. In order word, Magi are loved by rukh. Not to mention, only Magi sees rukh. Magi are destined by the great Solomon to appear in the world of disarray in order to guide them back with their own inspiration.

There are dungeons all around the world and each of themare located on many differentislands and this guy, Alibaba aims to conquer the dungeon with the highest difficulties, The Dungeon of Amon, at The Dark Moon Island where he's living. Just by hearing the name of The Dark Moon Island is frightening enough to shake the whole world in tremendous fear.

In the age where Alibaba is living now is the age where islands have their own sets of story but unfortunate enough for those who are born in The Dark Moon Island, here, women, old men and even children with low status like scums,are forced into slavery for eternity. Escaping from The Dark Moon Island means death itself. Only the one with royal bloodline lives a usual life. And that is how things work. The increasing numbers of slaves in The Dark Moon Island had finally reacheda final decision made by shariff, a black-haired guy with despairing and hopeless look in his eyes. The order is to send any of Dark Moon Island's slaves to the dungeon but most of them who have entered have never escaped alive.

To shariff, this method is like killing two birds in one stone. He is able to reduce the numbers of worthless slaves in his slaves' collection and second, he is able to gather tough slaves who are strong enough to luckily return just for being alive, though they gain nothing but unforgettable nightmare.

As usual, Alibaba loads buckets of tasty-looking fruits into a carriage to send them to the shariff of Qishan and that is when I met Alibaba. The scrumptious-looking fruits makes me hungry that I jumped into the carriage and ate them without a single thought of like whose fruits are they, whose carriage is it or how tasty are they.There is this surprise-look in his face when he sees me, eating the fruits he had just loaded into the carriage.

"Hi, I'm Aladdin! I'm travelling. I was just making a meal of this delicious, sweet, red fruit!" This red fruit here is referring to a watermelon. Aladdin doesn't know about that since he had just arrived to the world.

"Is Alibaba here?" Master Budel asked when he happened to come across that area along with two bodyguards.

"Yes, I'm right here!"

"Have you loaded all the cargo?"

"O-Of course, sir!"

"Let's see."

"I have everything set and ready to go, so....." Alibaba tried to persuade his master but that doesn't work this time.

He checks the cargo carefully and I am now grounded for good.Alibaba reacted as soon as his master found out about me. He quickly pulls me out and kneels as he pushes my head up and down as a sign of sorry. His mouth non-stop making excuses for me to be forgiven.

"How dare you worthless slave!" The greedy pig smirks as he steps onto Alibaba's head many times, forcing it to kiss the dirty muddy ground. The smiling face Alibaba showed when he was making excuses for me just now, disappeared as it is replace with a helpless and emotionless look.

-Night at Alibaba's house

Alibaba lies down on his hard bed, floor as he stares in emptiness. After a while, he started to realize that he has not eaten anything since afternoon. He reaches the fruit inside a small rattan basket beside him and here it goes his surprise-look again.

"Nyum,nyum,Nyum.....Nyum,nyum,Nyum...slerpppp......... Ouch!!" He threw my light body outside of the basket.

"You ate all of them!"

"But didn't you give them to me earlier?"

"I did not!" He sighs after that. "Man, I'm in so much trouble if I can't clear a dungeon. I've got nothing."

That picks my interest. "What's a dungeon?"

"Huh, you don't even know what a dungeon is? " He slowly walks to his table and comes to me with an old yellow paper in his hand. He explain to me as he shows it to me, "Dungeons refers to the mysterious historical structures that started appearing all around the world 14 years ago. The person who can clear a dungeon gains a mountain of wealth and power. Dungeons hold gold, treasure, and mysterious magical items. Magic.... Yeah, rumors say that there are still magicians out there somewhere. What dungeons have are magical items though. Like flying carpets and endlessly refilling jars of alcohol. Huarghhh....., I'm sleepy. But the best items are the magical djinn vessels...!"

"Mister, where would you find a dungeon? huh?.." Alibaba falls asleep before I even get the answer from him. "I think we might finally be able to find one of your friends, Ugokun. Goodnight, Ugo."

As the dawn breaks, Alibaba wakes up.

"Ouch!" He threw me outside of the house and nags.

"Why on earth are you still asleep?!"

"Alibaba, it's mean to just hit someone out of the blue like that!"

"Don't follow me!"

"Mister where would I find one of those dungeons you were talking about last night?"

"Right there. That's a dungeon. That one's Amon the seventh labyrinth. It appeared 14 years ago." He pointed out to a very tall tower on an island in front of us as he continue, "I'm going to escape the Dark Moon Island with my treasure, clear Amon and all of the other dungeons in the world faster than anyone else. And then I'll become the richest man in the world. That's why I don't have time to deal with you. Get it, brat?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2014 ⏰

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