The Grape

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Jesper couldn't help it. He bought one of those cheap fruit things from 7/11, and as he was eating, he caught sight of this beautiful grape. The way its purple skin caught the light and reflected it made him shiver with delight. He stared at it. ~A few minutes pass~ He still stared at it. He couldn't eat it, not now anyways. It had to be somewhere private where he could enjoy it. He put the grape in his shirt pocket and was on his way. He threw out the tray, and said goodbye to the boys. They all gave him weird looks, but he thought nothing of it as he pushed the door open and started to walk home. He pulled the grape out of his pocket and started telling it about whatever they passed by on the walk home. By the time they got home, Jesper had told the grape about the history of Manhattan. He went to eat the grape, but he couldn't. He tried so hard, but didn't succeed, so he made it a small bed and tucked it in. 

By the time morning rolled around, he picked the grape up and said "ur nakey." So he wrapped it with a tissue and put it back into his shirt pocket. He walked to the rink, ignoring the weird looks he got from his teammates. He put the grape in a safe place in his locker and started dressing out. He walked out towards the ice, but hesitated when he saw Kevin and Pavel holding something. "MY GRAPE!!" He screamed, racing over to them. "Hey bro," Kevin said, casually. Jesper boiled with anger. "Where'd you get that grape?" Kevin cocked his head to the side. "I found it and was going to throw it out. Why was there a grape in your locker?" "Because I love it!" Jesper's voice went shrill. "Um... Okay... I'm going to throw this out now..." Jesper started to cry. "NOOOOOOOOO" He went to reach for the grape, but he knew it was no use. Kevin was too tall and awkwardly shaped for him to grab it. "Just... let me say a few words." Kevin rolled his eyes. "No. It's time to let go," and he threw it out.

 The end

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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Jesper Fast is in love with a grapeWhere stories live. Discover now