The Great and Powerful Love

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The Mane 6, Starlight, and Trixie left from the Spa and the latter said goodbye to the Mane 6 before the two ponies went to the Hay Burger to eat after a long day.

Starlight felt much better from the Spa treatment but of course she still felt tired from all the events of the same day; especially having to literally bottle up her anger. She felt like she couldn't use anymore magic if she tried.

"Dinner's on me." Trixie gave a small smile after she broke the silence. "I bet you're pretty hungry after...well y'know."

Starlight frowned, knowing that Trixie was probably still feeling guilty.

"You were sorry Trix." Starlight moved closer to Trixie as the two kept walking to the Hay Burger. "You don't have to buy me dinner. I'm not angry anymore."

"Thanks Starry, but I'm still buying you dinner." Trixie winked at her.

Starlight smiled but looked away as she heat all over her face. Trixie has winked at her before so what difference does it make now?

Trixie opened the door for Starlight and they entered the restaurant and both ponies took in the scent of fries and grilled hay and got seated at a booth.

Starlight was confused when Trixie was staring intensely at her empty plate till a blast of magic from her horn hit the plate and it turned into a teacup. Starlight gave a good-natured smile and Trixie's eyes widened.

"Sorry! I'll stop." Trixie whimpered.

"What are you talking about?" Starlight asked.

"The cloud's back and it's pink! Is that even worse than red?!" Trixie gasped.

"N-no, I'm not even mad." Starlight replied in a puzzled tone. She looked above herself and saw a hot pink cloud around her horn. Her heart stopped when her mind came to a conclusion.

It's love?!

"I have to go!" Starlight jumped out of her seat with a heavy amount of guilt on her mind threatening to weigh her down. But she didn't stop till she entered Twilight's castle, ran past Twilight who was in the library, grabbed Spike with her teeth, and kept running till she made it into her room and dropped Spike on the floor.

"What the heck Starlight?! I...woah, what's with the pink cloud?" Spike's anger disappeared as he looked at it with curiosity.


"Slow down Starlight. I don't need you to tell me in 5 seconds." Spike reassured her. "I know that cloud is pink and not red like earlier. Tell me what you were doing when this cloud showed up."

"I was at the Hay Burger with Trixie...I was just relaxing as I watched her turn a plate into a teacup and she p-p-pointed it out and I...I ran till I got here and what if I'm in love with Trixie?!" Starlight exclaimed before she fell on her butt dramatically.

"Well then you'd be in love with her." Spike replied with a shrug. "I don't see what the panic is for."

"I was afraid that she wouldn't want to be my friend anymore when I got angry, but being gay for my best friend? Our friendship would be over!" Starlight fell on the floor and covered her face with her hooves. "Spike, please go get me another bottle."


"What? I need a bottle Spike! Fine, I'll go get one myself." Starlight got up and Spike immediately blocked the door.

"Starlight, just forget about the pink cloud for a second." Spike said. "Before that pink cloud, how did you feel about Trixie. More specifically, what did you feel like as you watched her change the plate into the teacup?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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