The Meeting (1)

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Mia's POV-


I woke up to the sun hitting my face, squinting rapidly at the annoyingly bright light.
I probably forgot to close the blinds last night- as always.
I let out a slight groan as I strech out my body and hear some bones pop.

"Ahh, so satisfying" i say to myself quietly, while i struggle to get up and do my morning routine.

When i finally manage to sit up, i pick my phone up from my nightstand and unplug the charger, looking at the time. 11:06 it read.

Wow, first time i could officially say I've slept in. Usually on weekends when I'm actually allowed to sleep in i would wake up really early, and even if i tried, sleep just wouldn't kick in again.

I put the phone down and just stare into space for a few seconds, hearing my mother faintly in the kitchen.
That's when the smell of bacon reaches my nose and my stomach grumbles of hunger.

I quickly get up and go in the bathroom to do my morning routine.


When i get out of the steamy bath  i wrap a towell around my hair and get myself dressed.

I run down stairs, almost rolling down then when i tripped on my own foot.
When i get downstairs safely i sigh of relief and happily walk into the kitchen, where my mom is sat eating her brakfast to head to work.

'Hmm, she's never home at this time, she always leaves very early in the morning' i think to myself.

I make my way to her and kiss her on the cheek while mumbling a "good morning mom" to her, and hurriedly heading to my plate of deliciousness waiting for me.

"Good morning huney, you're up late"
She says.

"I know right" i say, to which she responds with a nod.

"Why are you still here? You're usually at work by now. And you made breakfast" i add, smiling at the
last part since it's been a while since she cooks for me, she's always busy.

"Well i don't have to be at work until 12:30, something about a meeting" she said, looking at the time that was
now 11:57.

"Then why are you ready so early?"
I ask as i chowed on my food.

"Oh, i have to make a couple of stops before then, we  have new neighbours moving in! I'm gonna meet them now,  something short but whatever" she said excitedly,  getting up and putting her plate in the dish washer.

"New neighbours? Where are they moving?" i ask full of curiosity, we usually don't have new people, only on a very rare occasion.

"What do you mean where? Next door of course" she replied, almost out the door.

" in the hunted looking house?" i ask, and at this she roles her eyes shaking her head.

"It's not hunted Mia, now stop with the questions, you're gonna make me late." she says closing the door behind her shut. Leaving me with a bunch of questions.


Justin's POV

I've spent these whole three day walking around, getting to know this city, the city that never sleeps. My new city.

It's hard always having to start over, but at least you make a lot of friends from different places.

I saw the house we were going to be moving into, it looks awfully destroyed. Like it's been abandoned for a hundred years honestly, creeps me the fuçk out.

But I'm sure once it's redesigned or whatever it'll look better, or at least so i hope.

Today we were going to meet our soon to be neighbour, boriinnggg.
I have better things to do,
like you know......umm......walk around..?
Yeah exactly that, walk around, sounds amazing to me but whatever to please my mom.

But hopefully the new neighbour is cool, i think my mom mentioned something about a daughter. Maybe just some annoying, barbie playing little girl that dresses up like a princess and $hit. Don't get me wrong though, i like kids.

As i walk around and drown in my thoughts my phone rings. I halt to a stop and take the phone out of my  pockets checking the caller ID.
"Mom" flashes on the screen.

"Ughh, what does she need noww" i silentl2 whine and answer the phone, holding it up to my ear.

Phone Convo

Justin- "Sup mom"

Pattie- "Justin darling, where are you? I'm waiting for you in starbucks" 

Justin- "right... The whole meeting the neighbours thing, I'll be there in a few"

Pattie-" You better come with a good mood and be nice"

Justin-"I will mom, love you"

End Of Convo

I hang up without waiting for her reply, heading towards starbucks.

Who meats their neighbour in starbucks?
Why do we even have to meet her??



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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