Chapter One: She's A Keeper

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Hey guys! I am absolutely in LOOVE with Supernatural teenchester fanfictions right now. They are so cute and I just couldn't resist but write my own. Yes there is angst and fluff and big brother Dean. Anywhoo, please make sure to comment and leave suggestions for me, as they are much appreciated! Hope you enjoy!

And no, I do not own these characters. I wish, but no. 


 I sighed as I glanced at the clock. 5 more minutes of this hell and I'd be free. Dad found a hunt a state over and the only reason we were still here was because Sam wanted to finish out school. I swear, that kid is crazy. Dad thought the same thing but I could see that Sam really wanted to stay. When he got those puppy dog eyes you couldn't resist. I've never been able to resist them and seeing him nearly beg dad to stay made me stick up for him. He was my little brother and as his older brother it was my job to protect him. I smiled as I remembered how much his face had brightened, although I made a deal with him for sticking with him.

Since summer break was minutes away, we'd be leaving for this ranch in Utah. It had a cool barn and belonged to another hunter. He passed away recently and left it to my dad so we could use it whenever there was a hunt in the area. But, the cabin and barn were always disgusting and we were stuck with cleaning it. So, as payment for arguing against dad in his defense, Sam would have to clean that so I wouldn't. Ha!

I tapped my pencil impatiently against my desk and glanced at that clock again. 2 minutes. I felt a pair of eyes on me and slowly turned to look who it was. A cute blonde with big blue eyes was staring at me so I gave her my award winning side grin that sent all the girls drooling. Sure enough. So blushed deeply and looked away. I smirked just as the bell rang loud and long. I jumped up and was out the door in seconds.

I swaggered out of that hell hole and stood outside the school by the huge oak tree in the front. Everyday I met Sam there and I wished he would get here faster. That's when I heard a small high voice say "You're Dean, right?" I turned to see the same blonde from class standing shyly behind me.

"Yeah and you're..."


"That's a pretty name." I said sliding her another grin. She blushed again. "Thanks. Sorry about staring at you in class. I didn't think you'd see me... oh gosh I'm just kinda embarrassed-" I laughed at her distress. "Woah, it's fine." She laughed too and said, "I just saw you smile and you seemed so happy for a second it took me by surprise. I've never really seen anyone look like that."

"Huh." I said not sure how to respond. "I was just thinking about my kid brother." She smiled. "Aw, that's so sweet! How old is he?" Sweet? Wow I needed to think about Sam more often.

"He's 14, well speak of the devil." I turned and saw Sam walking up to me, slightly out of breath. He carried a backpack over his shoulders and a book clutched in his arms. He frowned at me and looked at Celaena.

"Wow Dean, I'm 2 minutes late and you're already talking about me?" I smirked. "Aw come on Sammy, nothing bad. And your actually 3 minutes late." He scowled. "It's Sam, Dean. And sorry, my teacher let me
get a book of my own. I chose A Tale Of Two Cities." I laughed at his bright face. "Of course you'd be excited about getting a book, geek."



I then remembered Celaena was still standing there. "Sam, this is Celaena, she's a girl in my class." Celaena smiled and Sam smiled back politely. "Nice to meet you! I actually love that book you chose, great choice." She said fondly and at that comment Sam perked up.

"You've read this?" He asked in awe. "Yeah of course. Charles Dickens is literally amazing." She said smiling wider. "Exactly! Especially Oliver Twist." Sam was clearly excited.

"I feel very left out right now." I said and Celaena laughed as Sam rolled his eyes. "Of course, you don't read." Sam said a matter of factly. I rolled my eyes back and glanced at my watch.

"Well come on Samantha, we have to hit the road soon." I glanced at Celaena and explained how we were going on a road trip. Sam just scowled and said, "Okay, Deana." At that Celaena laughed a high bell like laugh that made me even smile. "Lucky. My family doesn't go anywhere. My dad works at the hospital and is the lead doctor so he can't exactly leave. And my moms an epidemiologist so she's also busy 24/7. I actually should probably get going to I have to walk to the hospital."

"We could give you a ride if you want. The hospital is like a mile from here." I offered. She seemed to hesitate but gave in. "Yeah thanks, Id like that a lot!" We walked over to my car and I smiled as she gasped at it.

"It's gorgeous." I smirked and opened the door for her. I can be ever the gentleman when I want.

"Thanks, was my dad's." We pulled out of the school and I made my way to the hospital. On the way there, Sam and her started talking about Charles Dickens and then Sam asked about her mom's job.

"I've always thought Epidemiology rhwas a cool thing to go into. Could you tell me more about it?" Sam asked. Celaena obliged and said, "well, she's not home a lot but it is kinda cool to hear about the cases she works and how she gets to consult with lab techs and doctors."

"Sounds like your family is pretty well built." I observed. "Yeah, they want me to go into the medical profession too but I want to be lawyer if anything."

Sam beamed even brighter. "Me too!" She laughed and gave him a high five. I decided to take advantage of this situation.

"Well you too are getting along well. Hey Celaena, do you mind if I grab your number for Sam and I so you guys can talk about geek stuff and we can stay in touch over the summer?" I smirked and she blushed again. She was so cute when she blushed. "Yeah sure. I would love to talk to you guys again. I gave her my phone and she typed in her number.

We pulled up to the hospital and she got out. "Thanks again for the ride! Text me." And with that she waved to Sam and smiled at me and skipped to the entrance.

"Ohhhh Dean she's a keeper. Too bad we're not coming back." For once, Sam was right. "Yeah too bad." I glanced at that clock. Dad would be home any minute now. "Okay we have to hurry dad's gonna be coming home soon and we need to pack and leave." Sam gave a sigh and I laughed as I sped out towards the motel, eager now for the chance of adventure.


OHHHHH adventure, my favorite. Thanks for reading! I will hopefully have this updated in 2 days or less, so make sure you check back then! And as always, feedback is great! 

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