Blood lust

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Curled in a small ball at the corner of the abandoned cabin, she could hear nothing but the uneasy silence of the night. Sweat falls from her forehead down the bridge of her nose like rain, eyes wide open so not to miss a sudden movement from within her safe heaven. Rustling of leafs sends her in to a blind panic as she spots movement coming from underneath the door on the far side of the cabin, she quickly clamps her hands round her mouth to stop from screaming out in fear and squeezes her eye shut as firmly as she can hoping that this was just a nightmare and when she opened them once more she would be safe in the confines of her home. Time slowly stops as she opens her eyes to find that she is still being stalked by her monster, looking for an escape she scans the small room and spots a small hole on the far side of the room next to the fire pit just small enough for her to slip through and make her escape, she quickly crawls to the other side and slips herself though it to her escape, she catches a glimpse of the silver moon and the dancing stars in the night sky before she suddenly feels herself being pulled back into the darkness  by her ankles. Screaming she tries to grabs hold of everything and anything only to have mounds of dead leafs and mud in her fists as she claws at the ground, she feels herself being lifted up and suspend in mid-air she begins to thrash out violently at the creature holding on to her before it let out loud rumble of laughter at her futile attempted to be let go, the creature became impatient as it slammed her into the wall behind them just as she managed to kick him where it counts just to be dropped from a height and fall to the ground she quickly gets to her feet and runs for the door being caught by her long braid and being pulled back before being thrown though the rotten wall and plummeting out toward the dirt on the other side, her head makes impact with a nearby rock causing her to lose momentary conciseness for a few minutes. She slowly tries to focus her now blurry sight on the creature coming towards her, she finds that she can no longer move herself from where she lay, the creature edged ever closer to her, she is unable to control her fear and lets out a harrowing scream, the creature moves with ease as it swoops down on top of her useless body and claps its blood stained hand over her mouth rendering her speechless all she could do was lay there in terror as it places it face into her vision and slowly moves toward the blood that spilled from the gash on her fore head, it slowly worked its way down the side of her face wiping the tears that fell from her cheeks.

“This won’t hurt a bit”

It soothed. She tries to thrash out scream do anything to stop this from happing. The creature begins to smooth its rough lips over her slender neck just as she feels something puncture her skin and with it a surge of pain shots though her body sending her into shock, the darkness begins to creep in from all corners of her vision before consuming her.

                                                                            Chapter 1

Feeling nothing but hunger she swoops down like a fallen angel from the building that she has been sitting surveying her next victim from. It feels like forever suspended in mid-air with the rain drops dancing next to her, she makes her way to the concrete pavement below her blending in completely with the people that stormed past her trying to take shelter from the rain, standing alongside the crowd she begins to survey the area for her kill. Letting the hunter in her come out to play she quickly sets her sight on her target coming out of one of the many adult clubs on this side of town, she spots him leaning in closer to the bouncer at the door as he is being handed an envelope busting at the seams with which could only be money and not of the good variety, patiently she waits for him to leave to security of the bright light street before starting the hunt. She slowly makes her way through the crowd towards him, her victim suspects nothing as he walks swiftly through the crowd of people before heading to the seclusion of a nearby alleyway, she keeps her distance watching his every move and noticing that he has become somewhat uneasy, from out of nowhere he starts to pick up his pace as she clings to the shadows not letting her presence be known, her prey starts to flat out run as he can senses that he is in danger.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2014 ⏰

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