The Drama Begins (Part 2)

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Itsss back💕🤙🏽

Tori's POV

When I got back to the house after dropping Sierra off I went to the door and unlocked it. I yelled inside "I'm home." I was gonna say something else but the what if the baby was sleep I thought in my head.

There was no answer and I heard no noise so I just assumed they were both asleep.

I carried all the bags from the trunk, to the door and pushed it open. I moved all the bags a couple by a time.

While I was I didn't hear any noise it was still quiet. The third and last trip to get the rest of my bags there was somebody standing there pointing a gun at me.

"Don't move,and don't scream. Unless you want me to kill the baby I know that's in this house." It sounded like a unfamiliar  but male voice.

"Ok, but whatever you want you can have it." I was basically trying to offer anything they wanted. I was scared and I just assumed it was a home invasion.

"Anything, no I want you so let's go." The person dressed in all black took me out the house. When we got to a van they put a white rag over my face and everything went black.

3 Hours Later Chris POV

It's been a while since I've heard from Tori. I got up because Christian was crying. I wine to his room and checked him. Surprisingly he wasn't wet, so he must've been hungry.

I pick him up and go back in the room to get my phone. I get my phone and start to walk downstairs but then I hear a "Wtf" that was quiet but I knew the voice.

"August and Ty? How the fuck y'all get in here without me coming to the door." I said confused.

"Ummmm your door was wide open, and these bags was sitting here." August said walking towards me, but I was still confused because why would I leave the door wide open if I was sleep.

"Nah, couldn't have. I jus took a three hour nap bro, to be honest I would've still been sleep but he woke me up." I said tickling him, and he started to giggle.

"Joke?" Ty asked " Aiight so Tori in here? Where she at?" I walked towards the kitchen and she wasn't there.

I checked all over the house after that and she was not there. So after Having a talk with them I figured the worse but I hope it's not true.

The way the bags are she must've been coming in, and somebody stopped her. But she wouldn't just wonder off so, maybe she went somewhere and it wasn't far.

"Ima text her." I said giving Christian to August. "You should something not right because Sierra been home for a while now, actually for as long as you been sleep." He said poking Christian.

I texted her back to back but it never said Delivered, so her phone is off.

I look at both August and Ty and they already know what's the deal.

Niggas took her, again. And if I recall correctly this is what I said the last time shit happened: Listen Bruh and listen good: if you ever Text Tori, Stalk Tori, or even fuck with any of her friends I will fuck yo ass up so damn bad not even Jesus gon help that ass I promise you that.

I hope and pray it wasn't this Nigga Hayden.

"I gotta drop Christian off at my moms house. We have work to do yo. We got people to call and find." I said going upstairs.

I went upstairs and packed his baby bag. After I did I went back downstairs and picked him up and put him in his car seat. I told them to stay in case something happened.

I went outside to my car and I unlocked the doors and put Christian in the back seat with his bag. He started to cry so I pulled out one of his toys and gave it to him.

I closed his door and got in the drivers seat and started driving to my moms house.

-Shygotjokes 🤙🏽❤️
Another one coming soon🤤

I Think I Like My Bully: A Chris Brown Story //Soon Be completed//Where stories live. Discover now