Ahn Hani

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Two sharp knocks were heard at the door.

"I'll get it." Said the young girl, to no one in particular whilst playing with her dolls. Walking up to the big, brown door, the little girl twisted the brass doorknob.  As she did so, a click echoed throughout the house, she didn't think anything of it. Moving backwards to open the door to reveal a stranger in a black suit.

"Is there anyone home?" Asked the man. The small child answered with a yes, upstairs. With that being said, the man walked in to the dimly lit house, trusting his instincts for directions. However he didn't have a clue about what was going on behind him. How the girl put something shiny and red back into her pocket. How she followed him whilst smirking an evil grin. How there was a smeared red liquid covering her hands. How the house was deathly quiet. Once upstairs, the man in the suit jumped from hearing her voice behind him. "The first on the left."

Deciding this was where the girls parents were, he made his way in. A shocked gasp came out of his mouth because he couldn't believe what he was looking at. He turned around slowly to reveal the girl again. She looked up at him innocently, too innocently. Suddenly a low chuckle came from her mouth, almost in victory. Piece by piece, like a jigsaw, the man in the suit realised what had happened.

She had killed them, her own family.

The girl noticed the realisation that spread across his pale face and pulled out the object from earlier from her pocket. A knife. It was still covered in her parents, and her siblings, blood and made eye contact with the stranger. Her dark green eyes lured him in, they put him in a trance. With one small movement of the little girls hand, the knife plunged into his stomach. The girl then spoke, "My name is Hani. Remember that." After that she repeatedly stabbed the man in the suit until he coughed up blood. She then carved her logo in his cheeks, it made him look like he was smiling. She then let go of her hold on his collar making him slump on the floor. Blood was everywhere. The young girl smiled, her work was done.

She walked out of the room and shut the door making it click. Sirens were heard from around the house so she wiped the knife and ran downstairs into the kitchen. Putting her weapon down, Hani went to open the door.

This time the door revealed two policeman to come and find out why the neighbours heard multiple screams from inside the house. She started fake-crying and said that an intruder broke into the house and murdered her family. The policeman ran upstairs to where she guided them and where horrified with the sight. They were too caught up with the dead bodies to notice the clear, sticky liquid covering the floor and corpses.

Getting out her most necessary item from her pocket, where the knife was stored, she walked out of the room and shut the officers in the room with a familiar click. Hani lit the match and held it to the floor where the clear, sticky substance from earlier was poured. It lit up instantly as it was petrol so she walked back a couple of steps. The evil smirk came and lingered on her lips for what seems like forever. Screams were heard from inside of the room but the young girl still didn't care. This was her fun time, she liked hearing and seeing people suffer.

The teacher finished there. "What happened to Hani?" The young children asked their beloved Miss Ahn. She was never seen again, well until last year. "Miss, wasn't that when you became a teacher?" Asked a curious boy called Billy Kim.
"That is what I mean....

My name is Ahn Hani."

The children looked at her in shock, Hani then got up and left, again hearing the door click. The pupils were frightened and even more so when they noticed the clear, sticky substance around them. A chuckle came from outside their classroom door. A sudden heat made them look down to the floor again... Fire.

3 weeks later

Their was no survivors from the school fire three weeks ago. Apart from one, a female teacher who had been there for only a year. It was arson but the criminal that committed this is having a life sentence in prison. The teacher named Miss Ahn said she saw them outside her classroom door when the man, Clive Scott, dropped a lit match on the floor.

The now grown women looked at the news with a hint of humour in her dark green eyes.

She was only good at three things, teaching, murder and lying.

So how was it?? I based this off of Mad Clown ft Jinsil Fire because Hani gave me the evil feeling ✌  Please vote and comment what you think thank youuu💖

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So how was it?? I based this off of Mad Clown ft Jinsil Fire because Hani gave me the evil feeling ✌  Please vote and comment what you think thank youuu💖

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