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The little boy ran through the hospital doors to press the elevator button his dad runs in behind him "relax son you'll see your mother soon."

The boy chooses to ignore him however and runs into the elevator as soon as the doors Bing open. "I want to push it; my turn, my turn" he yells to his dad who is reaching to push the button.

"All right" says his father to prevent any further arguments "push the number four" he says picking him up immediately after to stop other buttons from being pushed.

"Is Mamma feeling better?" the boy asks as his father carries him down the hall towards his mother's room. Rather than answer his father walks into the room looks at his mother smiles tenderly, adoringly to her with love and a glint of something else in his eyes but the boy can't quite tell what else. "Hey mommy you look really beautiful in that dress." He tells his mother as his father lays him down on the bed next to her.

"Thank-you my love" she says kissing his forehead. "How have you been my baby boy?" she asks with a faint smile on her face. Rather than answer her question the boy lightly traces his mothers sunken in cheeks and eyes with a light purple rim around them.

"Mamma are you okay what's wrong?"

"Nothing baby mamma's just not doing to good right now" she says lightly stroking his cheek "hey it's going to be okay; the doctor told me I can go home in a day or two." she wipes away the boys tears before hugging him as tightly as she can. Gently lifting up the boys chin tears now falling fresh onto her cheeks.

"Honey do you want me to grab you something to eat?" Says the boy's father to his mother.

"No that's okay the doctor said he would come by around twelve to give me a final check before we go home" she answers him. "Take him down to get a snack the doctor should be coming in about ten minutes"

"Darling are you sure you don't want to stay in here the doctor said he could make it less painful." His father asks her.

"I want to go home and spend my last few days with my family with the people who mean the world to me." Is all she says before they head down for drinks.

Two weeks later Mother and Son lay down on the grass by their pool finger painting and taking each other's hand prints while his father takes as many picture of the two as she will allow, putting the timer to get in a few during different intervals. "Let's go inside I think it's time for us to take a nap." She says trying to pick her own body off the floor. Once inside the boy and his mother lay together. "Aaron sweetheart I need you to promise me something okay?" she asks softly stroking away at the boys hair. His answer is nothing but a slight nod and that's all she needs to proceed. "I need you to promise me that you will take care of Daddy for me okay?" she says wiping away a few of her tears. "Promise me that you will get good grades in school and go to college and when you grow up to be about thirty you'll get married to a beautiful and sweet girl who is also smart and have two children a boy and a girl." She says now wiping away the boy's tears. "And promise you will have good grades all throughout school and you will listen to your father and never forget who you are, who you can and will be and what you can achieve in life okay? Promise?"

"Yes mamma I promise; I love you" he says hugging her tightly and getting a tight hug in reply.

"Never forget that I will always be with you watching over you I'll be in here" she says pointing to the boy's heart. "Always" she repeats kissing his forehead and lying down to take a nap.

When morning comes the boy wakes up to find he has now been moved to his own bed. He knows she's gone and that there's nothing he can do about it but keep his promise.


Hi everyone. So this is the intro to my first story hope you like it comment and let me know what you think :-)

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