My Bugglezzz

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Whale..... Where do I start.. Mkay I think I got this xD

My Bugglez is my Kayleigh Mae Jacobs.. She's MY bestest friend ever ! And I love her to death..... Literally .




To DEATH!!! I've never quite had a friend like her... She kind of.. Well CRAZY in the head.. But it wouldn't be the same if she wasn't.

We are pretty much the same person split into two people.. The only reason were not sisters is because God knew one set of parents couldn't handle us under the same roof for 18 years...

We've only been friends for three years. But it feels like a lifetime!! She's my other half.. And we all know you can't live with only one half of your heart ! We've had arguments... And as hard as I try I can N-E-V-E-R stay mad at her... We have memories nobody could ever explain !! And even if we tried you wouldn't understand.! And you also wouldn't understand why she put up with me .!? I mean I still don't understand it ..... And I never will ... Cause I can be pretty retarded sometimes .. And I never listen to her.. Even when I know she's right GORD she's ALWAYS right !!!

MY Bugglezzz is the most AMAZING, BEAUTIFUL, CRAZY, AWESOME SAUCE person you will ever meet and her weirdly amazballz personality just makes her more B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L

Even thoughh she never wAnts to admit how amazing she is .... SHE IS 😘😘👌👌

We've been to HELL and back with eachother. If you knew you'd be like damn.. And if you wanna talk shit about her YOU CAN FUCK OFF !! I will beat you with a lacrosse stick if you wanna hurt my Kayleigh. And she's been hurt one to many times.. But that's only because those bastards can't handle her amazingnesss !!! And if you wanna use her ? Well you better fucking think twice about that ! Cause one day all you sunsabitches are gonna be begging just to talk to her ! But it's not gonna happen cause you can't walk on the sun !!

Whaaallleee I gots to go ... Payyyyyccceeeeee✌️✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2014 ⏰

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