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Chance Ship: Harry X Dumbledore

Author/Chance game player: WriteMyFanfiction (Madeline)

Chance game maker/finder: UnicornErica (Erica)


Sent Letters
Unsent Letters


Dear Harry,
I was wondering if you'd be obliged to ask your Uncle and Aunt if I could come pick you up before the end of the summer. I'd appreciate a private word and some assistance with a slight problem I've come across.
If you're willing I can collect you at eleven 'o clock on the following Friday.
Send me your owl as soon as possible.
Albus Dumbledore


Professor Dumbledore,
That's fine with me, they'll be happy to be rid of me just that little bit early.
Respectfully yours,


Dear Harry,
I hope you're enjoying your time at the Burrow. I really admired your skills back at the charming little village of Budleigh Babberton. I don't believe I could have convinced Professor Slughorn to return to my staff without your help. I'm not sure what you did, but it worked. I hope you have a pleasant stay at the Burrow for the remainder of your summer.
Albus Dumbledore


I don't know if you'll ever understand this, but there's something very important about you. I'm never going to send this to you, but I think I need to tell you how I feel. It often helps to talk aloud to yourself, to admit things in some way. This is my way of admitting how I feel to myself.
I love you.
Not as a father, which is what I thought it was at first, but as a romantic admirer.
You're so intelligent for your age and I keep underestimating you.
You help me be wrong. You make me make mistakes.
I know you will not understand how important or special that could be to me, but it really is. Once people start treating you like you know everything, it's nice to be around someone who opens your mind; respects you, but guides you.
You are like that to me.
It's like I fell under a spell that only you can lift.
I think of you often when I'm afraid of what's to come, of what Severus and I have planned. The memories of you are enough to carry me onward.
Humbly, if I may say so, I am a genius; but you make me feel like a schoolboy.
Just reading what I've written makes me laugh; an old man with a immature crush on a young boy. I feel like a child.
I think that is the beauty of what I feel for you. It takes a lot to make an old man a child again. To make wrinkles fade to dust, grey hairs go brown and wisdom fade to stupidity, joy and the childish urge to play.
Until our next meeting,


Dear Harry,
Forgive me for waiting so long, but I think it's time for your private lessons we spoke briefly about. Meet me in my office tomorrow at nine o' clock.
I have really taken to an interesting sweet called an "acid pop"
Albus Dumbledore


Dear Harry,
I apologize, but I must cancel your lessons until after the holidays. I have a very important journey to get underway and can't afford any distractions at present, despite how important your lessons are.
Enjoy your holidays,
Albus Dumbledore


Despite how ridiculous my last unsent letter to you was, I did find it very therapeutic. Who knows, maybe one day I will strike up the courage to send one of these to you?
I've decided that while I'm here waiting for the appropriate time to investigate a horcrux, I will write about an experience that you probably deserve to know about.
You asked me what happened to my hand while we were on our way to Professor Slughorn's house. I will tell you now; even if only in a fictional letter to you.
In my youth, I made some terrible choices. Even still they weigh down on me like a heavy blanket. I can never forget, no matter how hard I try.
All you need to know to understand the story I'm about to tell you, is that I lost everyone I loved in some sense. Both my mother and sister are dead, my sister because of me. My father went to jail along time ago, and my brother will never forgive me.
Once I met someone else. Someone that made me feel the way you make me feel. I could not see how terrible he was, or how terrible we were together. This lover of mine did not emerge from the darkness we made for ourselves. He went on to be the darkest wizard of all time, before Voldemort. I was the one to defeat him, and, it pains me to this day.
I'm getting off topic, Harry. That's a story for another time.
the point of this is, I have several things I didn't apologize for. My sister deserved more than what I gave her.
I doubt you have heard of the tale of the Three Brothers.
In short, the story is about three brothers given gifts from death. A stone known as the resurrection stone that can re-awaken the dead, a wand that always wins duels for its owner and a cloak of invisibility of the finest quality, quality worthy of death himself. With all three items one becomes a master of death. These items are known as the deathly hallows.
In my childhood, finding the hallows was more than just a dream; it was a life goal. I am ashamed to say that this same goal cost me my sister's life and my brother love, for he never forgave me.
I recently found the resurrection stone.
I'm sure you of all people would understand what I felt, and how significant; how magical the stone is. You, like me, would do anything to speak to someone that lives in the world beyond ours, the world of the departed. However, our reasons of wanting to make the dead to living connection are very different.
You wish to meet your parents, to tell them how you admire them; to talk about childhood and school like normal families do. You want to know your parents like your friends know theirs.
I want to fall on my knees before my sister, before my mother, and beg for their forgiveness. I want to tell my mother how sorry I am for not being there, and to admit how selfish I was to leave her alone with a suffering Ariana. I want to plead with my sister, tell her that her death was the biggest mistake of my life. Even if she declined my apology, at least I'd have stated it before her.
I was careless, Harry.
I was selfish and foolish.
I picked up the stone that had become a part of a ring belonging to Voldemort's mother, a ring of such significance to Tom Riddle.
Voldemort does not like people touching his horcruxs.
That ring was one of them, one of the seven, and it cursed me.
I'm lucky to be alive.
Forgive me for not revealing as much to myself as I ought to when we speak normally. We have known each other for so long, and I have asked so much of you; that it truly seems unfair that I never think to mention it. 
I just find that my love has damaged the people it has touched, and I have lost the only lover I ever knew.
You remind me of him a bit.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2017 ⏰

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