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From that moment on, we couldn't keep apart. We didn't act like a couple around others, but Liam would always find excuses to touch me. He'd place his hand on my knee under the table, he'd kiss me unexpectedly when Noah was distracted and we spent more time in the barn at night that in our own rooms.

We talked about everything and anything, and there were times when we didn't talk at all. We didn't need to. We were just there for each other, and in those moments, I felt like I could conquer the world.

Saturday came too fast. I wasn't ready for it.

In the span of a few days, Liam turned my whole life upside down. He was everything I ever needed, and then some more. But I had to go back to Missoula, and he had to stay in Ballard. That was just the way it was supposed to be.

Noah stayed back in Ballard with his grandmother as Liam and I drove back to Los Angeles. I tried to ignore the way my heart ached when I had to say goodbye to Noah. He was an incredible little boy, so intelligent, so full of life. It was hard not to love him. I stepped inside the car, with unshed tears in my eyes, feeling like I was leaving a part of my soul.

I was leaving it. Liam Smith had my whole heart, and I knew that I would never forget about him.

When we arrived at Los Angeles, the city felt gloomy. I didn't want to leave, but we never talked about the future. There was just us, just now.

We climbed out of the car and walked together to Mr. Williams office. Our arms brushed against one another. Liam's hand caressed mine as we approached the entrance doors. My heart hammered loud and hard inside my chest as he cupped my chin and stared deeply into my soul.

"Thank you." His words felt like a punch to my stomach.

My vision blurred. This is it. This was goodbye.

He stroked my face, and I closed my eyes, leaning into him, enjoying the last moment but breaking into a million pieces all the same.

When the tears started to fall, I pulled away, and without waiting for him, I made my way to the lawyer's office. I rubbed the back of my palm and took a deep breath before knocking on Mr. William's door. Liam came inside a moment later. He sat across the room.

He was so close, yet so far away already.

The secretary led us to the main office where Mr. Williams was expecting us. Caiden's letters were in the middle of the table. As I sat, Mr. Williams gestured us to take them.

Caiden's handwriting was messy. I brushed a thumb across my name. It was clear that I was not the same girl that held this letter last week. I placed it inside my purse to read it later.

Thick silence filled the room before Mr. William's read Caiden's will once more. Liam and I signed every document, and as I finished with the last one, I glanced at the old man. "I can't take this." My eyes slid to Liam. "This is yours. This is for Noah, too." Liam's bushy brows creased as he pressed his lips in a tight line. "Caiden showed me something that money can't buy." My throat felt thick as I swallowed hard, "and I'll always be grateful to him. But this isn't it."

The lawyer nodded. "Don't take any decision until you read his letter, Ms. Hall."

"I'm not changing my mind."

"Ella," Liam grabbed my hand. "I don't want the restaurant."

I stared at our hands for a moment before looking up. "Sell it. Use the money for Noah's college fund." Do whatever you need. It's yours.

He opened his mouth to protest when I squeezed his hand. Let it go, Liam.

"Very well," Mr. Williams interjected. "I'll see what I can do. I can send you the documents next week."

"Thank you."

The old man stood up. "It was a pleasure to finally meet you, Ms. Hall."

We shook hands. He handed me the itinerary for my flight back. I thanked him again, and he reminded me to read Caiden's letter. "I will, I promise."

He glanced at his watch. "I'll tell my secretary to call a cab for you." He bobbed his head. "Liam." They shook hands before he left the room.

Liam stepped closer to me. He didn't say anything. He didn't have to. His arms wrapped around me and my hands curled around his neck. His heartbeat was fast, as fast as mine. We gazed at each other for the longest of moments. I tried to memorize every line, every freckle, every detail that made him, him.

He swallowed hard. "Don't leave," his tone was soft, but his gaze was determined. "You can blog about this little town in Santa Ynez Valley, where you can learn to bake the best brownies in the world."

My stomach flipped. "Are you going to teach me?"

"I know someone who can," his lips tugged up as he caressed my cheek with the back of his hand. My whole soul soared for him. The smile faded as he added, "I want to take you out on a date. I want to have a picnic at night and I want to make love to you under the stars."

"And where am I going to live?"

"I have a barn," he raised both eyebrows cracking me up. "I'm serious Ella. Don't leave."

"I don't want to leave..."

"Then, don't." He kissed me softly, making me fall in love with him ten times harder. "And I know this is what Caiden wanted. This," he pecked me one more time, "was his last wish."


There's one more chapter left!!! Thank you for reading this! My story is part of the Weak in the Knees Anthology that will launch tomorrow!! It will be free through Smashwords and all sales from Amazon will go to charity 😊

Love you all!!

Love you all!!

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