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Dean the car - he is brother of Samuel and they mate with each other often. They make furry porn and do n0t solve any msydy tsries he is braggy about his three centimeter dick

Sam - incest is winchestercest he is skyscraper size and one time tried to destroy tokyo. He may actuatlyf be part lizard nobody really knows he has nice eyes


Castrielg is the main girl. He is not the main girl. He is the main girl. He incubates in egg to deztroy world one day he says from inside his prison "soon" as he looks out on the tiny humans he feels bloodlust

i amesadtosay that Charles is dead it is true he died for sammyebr doehe he has ears nobody else has years he talk in high pitches voice I think he is an elf on a shelf for castiel so merry christmas yall pussys

meat is a mean guy who kil peoples 

the car

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