The Car Chase

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Our heroes:

Fraulein Helga. The stunningly beautiful German founder and leader of Helga's Heroines. A woman who usually wears her blonde hair in short braided pigtails. She can be seen wearing some kind of skirt, even on the missions. When she's not shooting a Nazi, she can be found flirting with someone. No matter what gender that someone happens to be. 

Gretel. The very brave German spy. Formerly a part of the Gestapo, now fighting with the allies in the underground. Gretel has medium length blonde hair and barely wears any makeup. Although she tricks the Nazis with her sexual attraction, she's actually the least girliest one—and isn't hesitant to shoot the enemy. 

Princess Yowanda. Technically former princess of an African country that has yet to be named, but the team still treats her as such. Yowanda is the most mature of the group and doesn't like to get her hands dirty. One may not think of her as a soldier but royalty instead. She still dresses like one, wearing expensive dresses and jewelry. But this does not make her any less of an important member. Yowanda is gifted with coming up with plots and is very good at leadership. She is the unofficial second-in-command of Helga's Heroines! 

Marie Louise Monet. A.K.A. Tiger. The French Tiger is the toughest of the team and teaches the others about weapons and how to fight. Not many people know Tiger's real name, as she likes to keep it a secret. Tiger has strawberry blonde hair that's up in a do. Some of the team members express that Tiger can be a little too harsh on them, but thankful for her assistance. 

Michelle. The French woman was a former spy for the Nazis who had threatened her life, But she turned anew when she realized that she'd rather die than fight for the Nazis. So she now fights against them. Michelle wears heavy makeup and is one of the only non-blondes in the team, (Second one being Yowanda with her black hair.) a medium length brunette hair that curls at the bottom. Michelle is often very timid and although she wants in the action, she tends to avoid it unless it's absolutely necessary.

The Car Chase.

The date is December 25th 1943; currently our heroines are in a wild car chase! Will they be able to escape from the German soldier?

Helga was behind the wheel of the car, where she, Gretel and Yowanda all occupied the vehicle. She looked to the side and sees Yowanda with a jumble of blueprints in her hands. "Were you able to translate those blueprints, Yowanda?"

"Those Nazis are fucked!" Yowanda exclaimed, Helga nodded in agreement as she returns her eyes back to the non-existent road. "I already know that. But what do the blueprints say?"

Yowanda scans the blueprints as an eighteenth attempt to try to translate it. She could speak several languages, but this wasn't one of them. The sketch showed odd symbols that she could only assume was supposed to be the 'language', but it's something she had never read before and she knows it wasn't German. It has doodles of what looks like a supposed to be 'cute' drawing of Hitler (Would have been cute, but it's impossible to make such an ugly mug 'cute'.) and an odd drawing of a big forehead, bald person with BIG black eyes. The doodle of the odd person didn't seem to have a nose either...How peculiar. However, there was one drawing that did have German words. It was a doodle of some kind of Sci-Fi laser beam pointing at the country England that translate to 'SUPER WEAPON BLOWS UP ENGLAND!!'

"Those Nazis ARE fucked!" Yowanda exclaimed again. "Apparently those Krauts are planning to BLOW up all of England with some kind of large gun."

"Huh...Nazis really are fucked, and desperate." Helga acknowledged, not that that wasn't really anything they didn't know. She almost thought it was a joke. But...This was Nazis they were talking about.

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