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       Hey, it's Hannah. Hannah Baker. I have been in this world for 16 years and finally found out where my life turned around. I was the cool and popular kid in grade school, but in middle school when I got that dumb fish hat won't die and keeps on appearing. No wonder why I named him anonymous. Was it the name of why he won't disappear or is this fish special. I don't understand I've had this fish for 4 years, and it it's still here. I took him to the vet people at school probably think I have a problem. Which I do have a problem. It's a big one and I need help. Who will help I don't know. I have no friends. My parents went on a trip who knows when they will be back. My aunts watching me till hey come back. I just need help. Oh and did I tell you this fish talks and won't shut the hell up. Ya, who would of thought. Only around me though. Well until one day Clay Jenson. Here's the whole story.
          I'm still writing this story I just want you guys to get the idea if you don't like a part of it tell me what you want. It's not like 13 reasons why. Well it kind of is but I wanted it to be based off of it. And I loved the names I had to pick them. Kisses xoxo 😚

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2017 ⏰

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