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Harry sighed, content, as he signed off on the reports about the former Death Eaters. After he had shouted Kingsley down into being the Minister of Magic, his life had finally achieved some degree of normalcy.

Three months had passed since the war was over. He and most of the Ministry had spent the first two weeks restoring Hogwarts, which had been very nearly brought down to ruins. Harry had left the Chamber of Secrets as it was, deciding that it was part of the place. Somewhere during the restoration, he and Ginny had agreed to keep their relationship on hiatus, until they both had settled down in their careers.

Once the restoration was complete, Harry moved into Black Manor. It was agreed that Grimmauld Place would now be used as Headquarters for the new Order of the Phoenix, which had been renamed as The Griffin. Also, the few who remained from the Order of the Phoenix would be treated as honorary members, and have their say in The Griffin as its advisory consulate. The Griffin comprised of Harry himself, Ron, Hermione, George, Ginny, Luna, Neville, Cho, Padma, Parvati, Draco, Blaise, Pansy, Astoria, Susan, Michael, Katie, Angelina, Oliver and Lee. It was mostly the DA but there were other skilled people as well. The advisory consulate comprised of Molly, Arthur, Kingsley, Minerva, Flitwick, Lucius, Narcissa, Andromeda, Bill, Charlie, and Aberforth. It had taken nearly a month to settle the Griffin, after restoration.

Within the following two weeks, Harry, Ron and most of the DA found jobs as Aurors. Those who didn't included Hermione (who was taking up a rare opportunity of apprenticeship under the Hogwarts teachers), Ginny (who was planning to join the Velvet Riders, Oliver's Quidditch team), Angelina, Katie and Oliver (part of the Velvet Riders), George (who was still somehow keeping the shop afloat), Blaise, Astoria and Pansy (who were planning to take their family seats in the Wizengamot) and Cho (who was a model).

The first month of work was mostly training. How to duel in groups, alone, how to administer Veritaserum, how to bring a criminal into custody, the new rules and guidelines about how to deal with criminals... it went on and on, but it finally came to an end.

Harry was truly enjoying his life now. He dropped by the Burrow on weekends, unless he was on a job, and Ron slept over once in a while. Hermione met up with them as often as she could. Ginny was still in school, seeing as she needed to do her sixth year. George was still recovering, slowly but surely. Charlie got closer to his family, and he and Harry became good friends.

It was, all in all, peaceful. But as everyone who knew him knew, life wouldn't be peaceful all the time. And the one to shatter the peace was heading for his door, even though he was still blissfully oblivious of it.


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