Beyond Borders

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Islam is the one of the major religion in the world, in modern time Islam is the fastest growing religion as far as the survey is concern, it was being embraced by many country in the world, and Christianity is the biggest religion in the world today. I remembered my friend way back in high school that “being a Muslim is always a Muslim” they will die for what they believe and they will kill if any man will mock their beliefs. As a Christian I am aware of my faith I will be insulted and get angry if someone will mock Jesus, but I cannot kill someone for stomping, mocking and even tried to belittle my faith, but it doesn’t make me a better person than that of a Muslim friend of mine because he will kill for the sake of his religion. I believe it has something to do with their world view. We believe that God is the sovereign God and He is the source of everything, Muslim believe the same way as we do, Islam is submission to the will of Allah, submission to the teaching, to laws and to every word spoken by their prophet Mohammad(PBUH), submission played a big part of being a Muslim. In Christianity we hold on to the word grace, love, mercy and many of us believe that God’s love is greater than our failures, sins and disappointment in life that whatever we do we know that God will not leave us, but that’s another extreme that Christianity forgot that God is a just God as far as He is love, we forget that the God we serve is a God of Justice and He cannot stand in the presence of sin. These are the two extreme in both religion, but by going through in the core of its teaching we will discover that these two parallel religions have in common.

When I was a teen-ager I was raise in a place where these two religions exist, but we never had a time knowing each other’s belief, many of us fall in stereotyping. When you ask a Christian about a Muslim they will tell you that Muslim is very dangerous and they are terrorist, and when you ask a Muslim about a Christian they will tell you that Christian are kafir they eat pork and they are traitors, but if you ask them where did they learned about it they will tell you they learned about Christians from other Muslim and the same with Christians they learned about Muslims from another Christians and that makes everything fall into failure and the result they will and cannot get along with each other thus we will see the atmosphere of hate in a community who have these two religions existed. We believe that it is a scheme of our common enemy the devil who wants us to believe that Muslim and Christian should not go together living in peace because of their different views and practices.

Many people tend to know many things in life, there’s a saying “Small knowledge is dangerous”. I love to read articles concerning government in the social media, and many times I’m reading articles concerning mayors, places, celebrities, events and even terrorist attacks and many will express their thoughts but many people seems to know everything, they even end up arguing with another netizens. I know there’s no wrong when you express your thoughts it will become wrong when you seems to know everything concerning others even you don’t know, many people belittled one’s faith and they end up attacking each other trying to say things without a second thought. We know that this world is a fallen world injustice and ruthlessness ruled in many places, but we also believe that there are good and God fearing people in every religion and there are also bad people in every religion. Being a Christian it doesn’t mean you walk and live like Christ, or being a Muslim it doesn’t makes you a righteous either, but by upholding the Word of God and live with it that makes you a righteous, in Mark 12:31 “And the second is like namely this, you shall love your neighbor as yourself, there is none other commandment greater than these”, Jesus taught us to love God first and second is love your neighbor and He end it up by saying there is none other commandment greater than these, many Christians walk with bitterness and walk with hatred on their hearts thus makes one self missing the mark on this commandments; Jesus Himself uphold the law summarized it into two, love God and love your neighbors, the greek word for neighbors is “PLESION” it is according to Christ the meaning is any other man irrespective of nation or religion and He gave a story of a true neighbor and a brother the famous good Samaritan story. In the Holy Quran it was stated in Al-Ma-un there’s an instructions of being a hypocrite “Woe to those who pray but undmindful of their prayer and they like to be seen people while make as show of their deeds” and so on the instruction continues, meaning even in Islam Allah requires people to have a pure heart and walk in righteousness and upholding it by not just merely show, but in faithfulness.

Sometimes what you know is the reality, sometimes what you used to do is not always the truth, we have a history full of mistakes, we have faith but blinded by our common enemy the devil, we have the Word of God but we never live with it, we have heart but we never open it to other, instead of putting ourselves greater than the Word of God. We have a good foundation a righteous and merciful God as we know Him that way, but why the world still crumbling down to its knees? Why there’s still injustice in our society? Were in fact we have better perspective than those who don’t believe in God?  But instead of putting the reflection of a righteous and ever merciful God we seek gratifications of ourselves, many people were killed because of Religion and many still struggle because of religion, when do we learn our lesson? It is not the will of God that His people He created killing each other, He didn’t give His word and His Prophet to instruct us to kill and be lawless, but instead He gave His word for us to understand and to live in peace in our society. People read the Word of God but put their own interpretations thus make one a mistake. We thought the Word of God confined to us, it is not what the Lord is telling us, do we really think that we gave our 100 percent trust to His word? Remember Jesus said “Love God and love your neighbors” do we really trust what He said? How can we live in harmony between Christian in all other Religion were in fact we struggled ourselves loving our own brother in faith, in Christianity there are factions from Roman Catholicism to Protestantism to minor Christian religions, they tried to degrade, fight and even look for an err to others but they believe in a common Word a common God, throwing mud and even telling others that they are not of God but of the devil, so Christians are we really give our trust on the Word of Jesus(PBUH)? It should us who will uphold that Word in our heart, it should us who will show this to the world that we are being instructed by our Lord, we should sit aside our biases because there’s a thing better than being right, we called it grace, mercy, compassion and love, it was showed to us by Jesus that this is the way of the cross no matter what your denomination you belong to as long as you believe in the bible you have to uphold that commandments. 

To be Continued

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2014 ⏰

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