Who Killed Them

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I wake up with something hitting my face, pounding my face. It's wet. It's water. Where am I? Am I lost? I strive to open my eyes to see where I am, it's pointless. It feels like they are glued shut. I try even harder to open them, but the pain is overwhelming. I slowly lift my arms that feel like bricks are tied to them. Why are they so leaden? I don't think there was anything chained to my arms. I finally get my hand up to the point where I can graze my face. It's hard to feel my face, because my hands are so numb. After a couple of minutes trying to identify numb from real, I feel my face is unbearably swollen. I have a lot of painful bruises on my face. I feel around me trying to figure out where the heck I am. The water is still rushing down on my face making my stone cold-bruises more excruciating. Around me I feel like I am in an oval shaped basin. Am I in a tub? I feel around further. I'm in someone's bathtub naked or, at least I think I'm naked. I try my hardest to open my eyes.

    "God!" I whisper in an aching pain.

    I feel my left eye snap. I shriek in terror. My eye just popped! I slowly open my eye to see if I broke it or just opened it. I could see again! It's a little blurry but, I can see! I am in a tub, a  tolerable one. I have clothes on. I have on a ripped up sky blue tank top. I also, have knee-high to a grasshopper short shorts. They are faded purple and tremendously shredded. I look up at the peach colored ceiling and notice that the ceiling is splotched with vermilion colored blood. I want to get up and see what is going on. I am super horrified! I'm all beat up, I'm in an arbitrary person's shower, and there is blood on the ceiling! I attempt to get up, but I end up plummeting down and walloping my stiff butt bone.

    "Yikes!" I yelp booming.

    I have to do something. The water is still gushing. I can't get up. There is blood on the ceiling. I am in a random person's bathroom. Anything could be outside of this bathroom. I can hardly see. I am lost.

    "Please, don't do this to me. I have a family. A beautiful wife and children,"  a strange person cries out. It sounds like a male's voice. What are they going to do to that man? Are they going to kill him?

    "Oh, we've met your wife already. She's a nice one. We're saving her for later," a man cackles. Who is this man. Is there more of them. Wait, am I the wife? Is that my husband? I can't get the words out. I'm stuck here, in this bathroom, listening to a man die and I might be his wife. Maybe, they won't harm him. I could go to sleep and let my body relax. Then, I can go and see if I can save that man and whoever else is out there. If I relax, I might be able to get up and walk. I shut my eyes and lay.

                    Sometime Later.......

    I open my left eye, (my other one is still not able to open yet,) to see a hideous thing in front of me. There is a nude man with a bullet straight threw his head. He's dead, way dead. He is strangled with a  belt that is tied to the shower head. I look at my arm and notice that I am critically bleeding. I look up again at the man and shriek! That is not my blood, that is his! I have a random, dead, nude, and ugly man's blood all over me! I stumble up and out of the tub. I fall face first the second I get out of the tub.

    "Agh, no, I have to go save....," I stutter. I am aching again. I can't get up. I will get up and I will save someone today even if that person is me. I stumble up using my arms. My right arm craps out and I fall down painfully hard. I don't care, I will get up and do what I need to do. I place my left elbow on the toilet seat. I jerk myself up, my legs hardly working. I hold myself up with the sink. I look at myself in the mirror. I am a disgrace. My face is all bruised up and swollen. I feel my right eye. I still can't open it. I see soap by the sink. I grab it and rub it against my eye. It burns like hell. My eye finally opens. I have soap all over and in my eye. I screech in pain. I grab a washcloth and scrub. The pain decreases and I grab the door knob. I slowly twist it. The door creaks as I open it. I am standing in a bathroom staring out into a bedroom full of dead children. There are dead children everywhere. I drop to the ground and cry. Why did this have to happen to these children, why not me? I stumble over to a child with blond hair. A boy, with blue eyes. My son, Preston. My son is dead because of me, because I couldn't save him. He was only twelve. Right next to Preston there is a beautiful little girl. My girl, Harper, that was only six.

    "Help....." someone stutters. 

I look around. My husband is laying on the ground with a bullet through his leg and his chest. I help him up. He is limping while we are walking, because of his wounded leg.

    "Bye, I'll see you in heaven," He smiles and then he's gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2021 ⏰

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