Potentially Problematic

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A/N: Ok so this chapter is just really experimental because I have written loads of little "scenes" of this story but the plot is currently at the 'I'll just pretend I know where I'm going with this and completely wing it' stage so sorry about the bad and occasionally incredibly cheesy writing but enjoy if you can.

Disclaimer: pretty much all of this belongs to JKR.

•Potentially Problematic•

"SIRIUS BLOODY BLACK WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU PUT THEM?!" she yelled in her most powerful, authoritative voice.

He'd done it again.

It was only the first day back and he had done it again.

Without knocking, the tall, dark skinned girl threw the heavy wooden door of the boy's dormitory wide open with a startling crash and marched in, petrifying the half naked boys inside of it.

The five teenagers stared at her, awestruck, for a brief moment as she entered flanked by three other girls, her long brown hair swung behind her in prefect time to her purposeful stride. All at once, they leapt into action, clumsily stumbling around in an attempt to make themselves decent. All except one boy with rather silky black hair and a mischievous smirk.

He was the subject of her justifiable, albeit slightly overplayed aggression.

Sirius "bloody" Black, as she commonly referred to him.

There she found him, standing in front of his unkempt four poster bed in just a white towel secured precariously around his waist. His long, effortlessly tasseled black hair hung damp around his face in natural waves and his infuriatingly smug grin playing contently across his lips.

"Whatever are you talking about, McKinnon?" He replied with mock innocence.

Eventually, the other teenage boys present in the dorm began to comprehend the nature of this unexpected visit. The first to understand was the thin, pale boy with a kind face, chocolate brown hair and scar-littered skin, who was perched on the bed to Sirius' right.

"For the love of Merlin, Padfoot, what've you done now?" Sighed the boy as he yanked on a pair of black trousers, trying to conceal traces of amusement in his countenance at the thought of what could have warranted this reaction from their (usually) tolerant classmate, whilst also attempting to maintain a disapproving appearance, "We've barely been here twenty-four hours."

"Calm down, Mum," Sirius teased without removing his gaze from the with in front of him, "Little Marly is just overreacting."

This earned him a particularly stern glare from Marlene. It is important to note at this point that this type of look was reserved for Sirius Black and him alone, for Marlene was, naturally, an extraordinarily level headed witch.

"I told you not to, Padfoot. I warned you," remarked the tall, attractive boy standing next to the bed behind Sirius with his undeniably muscular torso on show as he ruffled his dark brown hair in a carefully careless manner and shamelessly grinned at the glare that his best friend was getting. He knew that Sirius was in trouble. And he found it hilarious.

Noting the danger as well, the seemingly fearless Gryffindor faltered imperceptibly, then, recollecting himself, shot his friend a confident look that clearly informed the amused quidditch captain that he should shut his mouth because he, Sirius Black, had everything under control. More or less.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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