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Pic of Kace before everything happened.


Kace pov:

Walking down the sidewalk with my vomit stained shirt on my arm, my pants in disarray, and my hair most likely sticking up in several different directions, it was no wonder I was getting weird looks.

As I stumbled down the street, I tried to make out where I was. A little drunk and a lot lost, I knew I wasn't getting home tonight. My d.d. had left me in the throng of drunken teens and barely legal adults.

I had found myself passed out on the floor with puke all over my shirt. According to my watch, it was only around three in the morning. I groaned as I held my aching head in my hands.

I felt myself sway slightly before I sat down on a bench beside the sidewalk. Even though I wanted to stay sitting, I knew I would pass out again if I did. So I got up and continued to stumble down the street.

When I happened to look up again, I was in a lonely part of town with a few streetlights here and there. It made me feel uneasy but in my drunken state I didn't really care.

There weren't very many cars so I decided to sit on the bit of curb instead of looking for a bench. Holding my head in my hands, I sighed as much as a drunk could sigh. It came out as a puff of slightly white fog. It made me think I was smoking.

Maybe I am actually smoking? I don't know for sure. As I sat there contemplating if I was smoking or not, a car came to a halt in front of me.

I looked up curiously and stood unsteady. A buff looking guy stepped out of the car and stood in front of, looking me over.

"Rent boys don't usually stay out this late, do they? At least I never seen one out this late." His voice quickly spouted out.

I lifted and eyebrow. 'Rent boy? What is that?'

"Oh well," said the man,"you will do well in my collection." His hand reached towards me and at the same time my world was fading into black.

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