FATE (graylu) fairy tail fanfic one shot

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FATE (onê shót)

Written by bianchileen.

    A graylu short but not so short story...even if my stories are not that great please dont steal it from me. I dont want to beg, but please dont


       For me, i dont think love is based on how long your together... cause its all about the heart.. and its all about fate.


"hey hurry up! and search that side!"..

"no sir. no sign of the lady!".

     the hell! thi noise is going on since yesterday. i cant sleep peacefuly huh!, i open the window looking at the men outside

      "the hell!, WHOEVER YOU ARE LOOKING FOR SHE ISN'T DAMN HERE!". i snap looking at them. they stare at me with pissed off look. i pick up a soda can somewhere in my room and threw it to hi face. "DAMN YOU! DONT COME BACK TO BASTARDS!".

i can hear them irritatedly walk away infront of my dorm. the f*ck!. "what time is it anyway!?" my eyes widen!, THE HELL ITS ALREADY 8 O'clock!!

i quickly fixed myself. and took my empty bag. for props. and a pack of cigarette inside my pants.

    its not like i need books anymore. its already fated for me to repeat a year. so why the hell would i waste my effort. and besides i dont need education to live. im filthy stink'n rich!!. and i also have this bad boy image that girls die just to get me.

    i enter the class and its already second period. and the teacher is already there. the whole class stared at me. but their eyes didn't effect me at all.

    "Mr. Fullbuster late again! and how many time do i need to tell you!. to keep your buttons close.. and your tie is always crooked!

ugh! so annoying.

i lean closer to her with our face inches away. her face was pure red whenni parted. i grinn at her patying her head. "ma'am your beautiful face is such a waste if you will nag every little thing." i winked.

i can see her blushing face. and not only her even my classmates were abducted with my charm. well cant blame them.

  there the second period  ended. im sleepy. the sound of her voice is not relaxing but tiring. it makes me yawn every minute. ugh! so sleepy!

   without any consent i went out of the classroom. i cant go back in my dorm since the principal insisted to lock my room until class end. this is such a pain. as i walk without any idea where to go. i saw the academy's huge tree.

i immediately went under its shade. this is the life. no one dares to bother me..

   "ummmm~, g-guy"..

   i pretended not to hear anything.

   "h-hey!".. i stood up. and scanned the people who dare to call me. god! what the hell! who is--.. wha!?.

i saw a wiered view above me. a panda undies!!!.. a girl was hanging in the branch.

"what the hell!? grade schooler! panda panties!!." i burst out laughter. i even held my stomach laughing so much.

"hey! dont you stare to much!!". she let go!!! "eh!?

she fell all the way down falling to me. her butt is in my stomach. "it hurt!".

"uwaaa~ im so sorry!". she panic but didn't get off.

"the hell!! get off of me!". i demanded. then she quickly stood up and apologise countless of times. "SHUT UP! I GET IT ALREADY!".. i snap.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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