A Collection of Freaky Stories

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DESKINNED, A story by Cupcakes INC.


Once there were three friends talking to each other...

They were talking about Cupcakes...

One of the friends said that she would prove that mlp wasn't real, so there was no point in being scared. But when the one friend walked away, the other two saw a number etched onto her shirt. it was a 16. The next day, the two friends didn't see their other friend. She didn't come until later that day, with a huge bandage on her leg. but not just her leg... it was on her thigh...

The friends didn't think much about it, and chatted later that night. The next day, their friend came late again. This time, she had a huge bandage wrapped around her arm. She had sprinkles in her hair.

pink sprinkles.

The three friends had been looking forward to being together the next day.

but, only two of the friends made it to school.

In an announcement, they heard that one of the students was in the hospital. As they rushed over to the hospital, they asked for her friends name. But the nurse said that their friend had already left. They asked if she was dead, but the nurse said no. She said an "auntie Pinkie Pie" Had come to pick her up.

as they trudged back to school, one of the friends tried to look on the bright side. She said, maybe She really does have an auntie pinkie pie. maybe she isn't dead, maybe she's in a better hospital.

As they walked, the other friend sank behind. She almost fainted, for what she saw, etched onto her friends back, was the number 17.

It was a month until they were reminded of their friend. they wept silent tears, and said they would talk the next day. But the next day, One of the friends was late. She had a bandage on each of her legs. but not just her legs.. her outer thighs. she came wearing fake wings, and the wings were admired by many children. the two friends played in the sunlight, and the friends pretended to fly.

As the other friend eagerly waited for her at school the day after, The first friend trudged up the sidewalk. She had a bandage around her arm, was in crutches, and one of her wings had been sliced off. Halfway during school, The friend fainted from her injuries, and was taken to the local hospital. When the single friend rushed to the hospital, she asked the nurse for her friends name, but the nurse said she had already left. there was somebody called “Auntie Pinkie Pie” who had picked her up.

two months passed before the last kid had thought about her friends. as she took off her shirt, she looked at the back and saw a number… It was an 18…

As the last friend went to bed, she heard shuffling, an evil laugh, a knife sharpening. “cupcakes, cupcakes! I didn’t want to do it dear, but your number came up!”

A Bloodcurdling scream ran through the village. But by the time her parents ran into their daughter’s room, she was already… DESKINNED!

As the mom ran out of the room to call the doctor, a faint number appeared on her shirt. The number 19… . .

(play tape of creepy voice saying: I didn’t want to do it, but your number came up!)

The petaled rock


Once there was five friends. Their names were Beth, Sam, Chris, Cole, and Britney. One day they were out in the meadow when Cole tripped over something... It was a rock with five flower petals on it that were not glued or taped... They grew out of the rock like it was magical... They took it back to the tree house and on that night they had a sleepover in the tree house. (It was a really big tree house) but in the morning Cole did not wake up... When Everyone else woke up they did not scream for they had already lost their voices. That lasted for another 2 hours. The next night they all slept at their own houses... Beth did not wake up. Sher blood was splattered over the room. Then they all slept at one house but not the tree house... And did i mention that now there is only 3 petals left on the rock. The next morning  britney never woke again because she was dead. Chris and Sam thought that the kill was once per place... They slept in the treehouse again. Then Chris did not wake up... He died. Sam ran from the tree house all the way over to the old abandoned museum... He slept there because he knew that he should take any risk to avoid death... Still, he did not wake up... After that the rock turned red and slowly liquefied... They formed into more petals in the color of red and then stuck onto another rock. The red in the petals represented the blood of the last five kids. The End.  

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