A wish.. (M.A.D fan fic)

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So today was the day me and my friends Rowena, Anna & Katie had been looking forward to ever since we found out we were going. We're going to see M.A.D live at Cardiff. That was the biggest subject in our conversations for weeks in school! Some people in school give hate to them but we just think its because they are jealous as they have become very successful in singing and ESPECIALLY with the girls (including me and the others) 🙊🙈🙈

So we're on our way now to the concert. I am wearing my pair of favourite high-waste shorts with my floral vest top and my white converse. This day was kind of important to me and the girls so we did go a bit over the top meaning that we did put a bit more make up on than usual and straightened my hair. But all in all I thought we looked quite nice. Just a little bit of mascara or eyeliner or even just lipstick can make a huge difference!

So in the car I could see mostly everyone biting their lips anxiously when all of a sudden the bus driver turned on the radio and 'Fame and Tv' came on- M.A.D's new song in the charts. So me and Rowena started dancing in the back and before you knew it, me, Anna, Rowena and Katie were having a little party, raving to the music like right idiots.

*Concert finishes* "OMG THE CONCERT WAS AMAZING!" I screech, barely being able to talk because of all the screaming we did when they came on stage and performed. "Awhh I know, and Dan winked at me guys!!" Says Katie gazing into the light. "Hahh someone has a bit of a crush..;)" Rowena whispers in my ear not realising that Katie overheard her say it. Then an awkward smile appeared on her face as her cheeks begun to blush bright red. Well to be completely honest, we all secretly had a huge crush on each of the boys.. I like Michael, (my little Irish minion😍and half Thai sloth) Anna liked Ben, Katie liked Dan and Rowena liked Aiden even though he isn't in the band anymore because he missed his family, friends and wanted to go back to school which is quite cute really.

All of us might just be 15 and staying in a hotel on our own for a month as it's summer holidays but my auntie only lives across the road from where we're staying and she said that she'll constantly come and check on us as she owns the hotel (which isn't ideal but it shows she cares about our safety). So anyway, me and the girls made a deal and because each of us like one of the boys, we can spend extra time with them on our own for a bit. "But wait I just realised some thing Row, who will you go with because Aiden isn't in the band anymore?!" I tell Rowena. "Ohh yeah I forgot to tell you didn't I, I've brought some really good shots of the boys on tour and George their manager is going to see them now and he said that if they're good enough, he can use them to put in the 'Weekly goss!' Magazine with all the hottest, new celebrities and I might even get paid!" Before any of us could say anything, she whizzed of like a bullet to try and find George.

So it's time to meet M.A.D now. I can feel the butterflies floating around in my stomach. I'm so nervous but I can't screw this up.. I've been waiting for this moment for AGES.

Everything is going fine, well for everyone else anyway😪.. Rowena has just come back now. "Guys omfg, the magazine is going to be full of the picture I took and I'm getting paid quite a lot so I guess we can order that feast tonight hahaa!😎" Rowena said in an extremely happy tone. "Wow congrats! Knew they would be used as soon as I saw them!" Anna said congratulating her. "Yeah well done Row, we knew you could do it!" I said. "Ohh my goddddd! It's fckin Aiden!!!" "Umm hi guys.. Did I miss the concert? I just wanted to come and see how the band are doing." In his cute accent. Everyone gave him a big hug but that was it.. While Rowena had the chance she grabbed him and took him to the corner and then within seconds, they got on like a house on fire!

Everything was looking good- Anna and Ben were talking happily and found that they actually had loads in common, Dan and Katie were laughing and seemed like they were flirting a little, Rowena was off with Aiden and they seemed to really like eachother. It actually didn't seem like we were just another bunch of fans. It seemed different. But where was Michael?

-This is my first book btw so probably won't b very good but would really love for you to vote and comment to say if you liked it or not or even stuff I can write to make this more interesting.. Will b updated regularly 💁😘😘


I cought a glimpse of him coming out of the door. Oh no I can feel my heart thumping in my chest. My head is spinning. Why am I so nervous? I need to pull myself together "c'mon mun Emily, you're just being stupid!" I tell myself. What will he think of me if I act like this in front of him? Probably just a stupid, over-the-top drama queen.. Which is probably true but right now all I can think about is how nervous I am. "Em, are you okay?" Anna asks in a worry. Michael- "ohh no I think she's gunna.." *BOOM* "Em.. Emily answer me!" Rowena cries. "Shit.. She's out cold" Katie shouts to the first aid person. "It's okay Emily love, everything's under control if you can hear me?" Michael says in a soft voice. "Could you tell me what happened please?" Asked the first aid man. "I dunno, she was fine just a minute ago but then she just collapsed and hit her head.." Katie cried as Dan gently held her hand and reassured her that everything was going to be fine. "Okay, I think she's going to be fine but I think she just needs to rest her head because it was quite a hard fall by the look of things but it could've been worse. She's lucky to have friends like you lot to look after


*Next day* "Guys quick come, she's waking up!" I could just make out Someone shout to the others. "Ouch my head.. What happened? How did I get here?" I said very confused. "It's okay you're fine now, you just had a bit of a fall because you a bit well REALLY nervous to meet Michael.." Row said turning around to laugh. "Ohh great I bet I looked like a right freak!"😩 As my eyes got adjusted to the light I could see a boy with gorgeous brown hair with a little streak of blonde with big chocolate eyes which were hard to stop gazing into. There was something about him that seemed so familiar but where had I seen him before? No.. No it couldn't be.. Could it? I could feel his soft, warm hands hold mine. "Umm are you okay? Is your head still hurting?" He said as he held my hand tighter. "My head is still killing me and uhh where am I? And..uhh.. Are you.. You..?" "Michael, your lickle Irish minion and half Thai sloth I've heard hahahh and you're in our house George said you could stay with us for a bit until you feel better." He said with a cute grin upon his face. *Blushes* "It's okay friends are meant to embarrass you just like parents. Trust me I've been through worse when it comes to being embarrassed..😑" he says with a little wink. "Hehee umm thank you my aunties only across the road so I'll be okay but I don't want her to get involved cause she'll just make a big fuss but I'll just quickly call her to let her know that everything's fine."

A wish.. (M.A.D fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now