the yoon family

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the sound of a car break, hurriedly being stepped upon. your previous neighbours had moved out a couple of weeks ago and it seems like the new ones had arrived.

your parents, being themselves, rushed out of the house holding a cake to welcome the new people. they had been chatting for a while now and seemed to get along.

"kina! come help move the stuff to mr. and mrs. yoon's house!"

you couldn't quite bother less, but you were curious about who your new neighbours were. you shot up from your chair and went outside.
you greeted the middle-aged couple and took a box with the initials 'yjh' on it.

"sweetheart, this is for a bedroom. you can just leave it next to the stairs."

you nodded at mrs. yoon's instruction and went into the house.

everything was white and smelled like old paint thinner. you walked up to the stairs, carefully placing the heavy box down.

"mom, I told you I'll take my stuff myself it's quite hea-"

you turned around to see a boy, probably your age, with his long hair in a neat little ponytail and a peace of hair framing his face, peeking out of his snapback hat's hole, that he was wearing backwards.

he immediately blushed, realizing you weren't his mom.

"um... hi.... I guess you are my neighbour?"

"I am... sorry for scaring you. I'm helping your parents move stuff around."

"it's ok... I'm jeonghan."

he smiled, a bright smile which revealed his pearly white teeth.
you smiled back.
'yjh'.... yoon jeonghan... that's what the box initials meant.

"I'm kina. hong kina. so, you're new here right?"

"yeah. I'll start school as soon as possible though.... wait, what school are you in?"

"seoul arts highschool."

"really? that's where I will be going too!"

he looked at you shyly, scanning you up and down.

"so, um... why are you in that highschool? I MEAN LIKE UM, do you dance or something?"

"no, I wish. I really like drawing though."

"MOLAGO? maybe you can draw me one day so I can keep it on my wall."

his face lit up but he quickly realized how hyped he got and calmed himself down.
you snickered at his enthousiasm and nodded.

"so, Imma be seeing you around, hong kina."

"for sure, yoon jeonghan."

you left the house with a silly smile imprinted on your face.

jeonghan wasn't bad at all. actually, he was quite cute.

even though he had long brown hair, it somehow made him more handsome. he had a round face but a sharp jawline along with it, his hair framing it softly. his height was bigger than yours, although not what one would call tall. he seemed fit and had a pure, bright smile.

you entered your room and plopped onto your bed, thinking about how it would be to have the yoon family as your neighbours.


you were staring at the ceiling for quite some time, until you fell asleep.


you squinted from the sudden brightness. you heard your mother's voice, muffled through the closed door.

"kina, wake up and get ready! you'll be late."

having slept in yesterday's clothes, you didn't bother to change. you brushed your hair and washed your face, being too bored to put any makeup on.

you headed to the kitchen and grabbed a breakfast bar, since you were running late on time. you said goodbye to your parents and rushed to the front door.

as soon as you had turned the handle, you heard a familiar voice speaking.

"ah, finally."

you peeked your head through the door's opening and saw jeonghan, standing with a backpack on his shoulder and smiling.

"so, are we going to school or what?"

new neighbours // yjh // one shotWhere stories live. Discover now