Diary 1

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As I walked into the halls of what was high school I immediately felt the staring. It was hard not knowing anyone and being the new girl. Although I was used to it because of my father's job, it was still weird leaving all my friends behind and trying to make new ones. I was heading to my first period class when I ran into the reason of this diary. She was tall, blue eyed, freckles all around her face, and black long hair. Her clothing style didn't seem like something my old high school would approve of with it being a short short and a black crop top. 

"Hi. You must be the new girl. I'm Rachel," she said.

"Yeah, my name is Tessa," I answered a bit confused because she seemed like the popular girl judging by the way everyone looked at her in awe.

"Cool. You are looking for the office aren't you?"

"No, actually I am looking for the art room."

"I have art first period, too. Let me take you there that's in the second building."

"Sure let's go."

As we walked through the long hallway I saw a cute boy staring at me.

"He's checking you out," said Rachel.

"What?" I asked as if I didn't know that he was checking me out.

"Him, Ivan, he's checking you out."

"Oh, um he's cute," I said awkwardly.

Suddenly we stopped. 

"You should talk to him, he was the new kid last week. You guys could be the new kid couple," she said.

"Yeah right. As if I could date someone that hot," I said.

She held up a mirror to my face.

"Don't you see? Your long, wavy, blonde hair and green eyes match his blonde hair and his green eyes," she said.

I realized just how pretty I was and my confidence struck, "Yeah I should go talk to him."

As I got closer I realized how handsome he was. I thought to myself 'probably a fuckboy'. I mean how could a boy that was so attractive not use his looks to enchant women? 

"Hi," I found myself saying.

"Hello," he said with a wonderful British accent.

"I saw you looking at me and I was wondering why." As these words came out of my mouth I realized I sounded like a total jerk, "Sorry I didn't mean to sound like a jerk. I just saw you and your looks kind of intimidated me." When I realized I had actually said this I immediately wanted to take it back. I mean who says that to a person you just met 'what the fuck did I just say?' I thought.

"Oh my gosh I am such an idiot why did I say that," I said as I turned red.

"Oh it's ok um I'm Ivan and to be honest I kind of thought the same thing about you."

"You did?! I mean I'm Tessa," I answered.

"Well, Tessa I would like to get to know you plus I think we have the first period class together so we should go before the bell rings," he had an emphasis on my name that kind of gave me butterflies.

"Yeah we should."

In the blink of an eye I had two friends and one of them was hotter than the desert.

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