One Shot

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You sit in your car waiting at a gas station and wait for your friend to come back. He had the last minute thought of wanting to let the kids that come to your house, have a little treat. He was upset that you didn't like the idea of giving away candy. Like if you wanted to buy candy, why not eat it yourself? He was spending the night and you were just gonna have to put up with him because he literally was begging you to let him stay so that he wouldn't be alone.

You hear a tap on the window that you sat closest to. You look up from your phone. A man stood there, you locked your phone rolling down your window.


"You look lonely wanna hang out?"

This person of the male species, had bleached hair and dimples that showed when he smiled. Not to mention that he was extremely tall compared to you and he was thin and was very, VERY attractive.

You sit there dumbfounded then you shook your head. "No, thanks for asking. I'm waiting for a friend. He'll be out any second."

"Are you sure?"


The man leaned on the car, and you were prepared to open the car door to smack him with it just incase he was going to try something funny.

"How about you and your friend come to my party? It'll be fun~"

You were about to decline. When your best friend shows up and taps him on the shoulder.

"Hey, buddy! What are you doing?"

"Asking her if she wants to hang."

"Well she can't she's with me and she wouldn't wanna hang out with you anyway."

"You sure? How about I give you both my address to my party I'm also here waiting for a friend. Dress up how ever you like, it's Halloween after all."

"Yo, suddenly you aren't all the bad." Your friend opens his phone to have this male put in the address.

"Hey, what's your name anyway?" Your friend was being really bold he wasn't like this a lot.

"Namjoon, Kim Namjoon."

"Well, nice to meet you Kim Namjoon. We have to go and we'll definitely show up you can count on it."

Your friend walks all the way around the car and opens the door and gets in. Your in complete daze mode. Your friend hits your shoulder and chuckles. You snap out of you daze.

"Uh, yeah thanks."

"You're welcome babe."

You flinched.

"Please refrain from using that word." You rolled up the window, you pressed on the brakes and shifting the gears to reverse. You reversed and made sure not to hit anything. You put it into drive and you could see your friend from the corner of your eye smiling and waving furiously.

"Tae, sto-" Your eyes got caught onto someone's eyes as they were leaving the gas station's doors. You kept eye contact for maybe three seconds until he grinned and you shot your head to the front of the car watching where you were going so you didn't end up crashing.

"Ho-Ly SHIT!"

Your friend known as Taehyung, shook your shoulder rapidly.


"You saw nothing."

You drive your way home listening to Taehyung ramble on and on about the Namjoon guy. You pulled up to your drive way and hopped out of the car. You practically ran to your front door and unlocked it ready to lock Taehyung out. But he was right behind you and you didn't have time to lock him out.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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Jin x Reader [Vampire AU] (UNFINISHED ONESHOT)Where stories live. Discover now