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Words. Letters. 26.

All these ideas jumbled up inside your head not knowing where to go.

You think you have the greatest idea ever but then when you go to type, it slowly starts fading as your hands lightly touch the keyboard.

All this time sitting on the toilet wondering what amazing novel, story, song, or poem your going to write, suddenly escapes your mind as your brain does the biggest fart ever.

You start to get frustrated wanting to tear apart everybodies limbs apart who because all the stress and disappointment your body has accumulated is eating away at you.

Letting you head hit your pillow as you ponder about what a big disappointment you are.

The worst pain of all is starting a story really good but not knowing how to finish it.

Collecting about 20 uncompleted book in your drafts to be forgotten and never uploaded for the public.

Well sadly, all that is me.

But then again it's not the words fault, its mine.

Words are everything.

Words can make you the happiest person in the world with a smile so bright the sun would be jealous. Words can also make you depressed. Darker than the color black.

Words can either change your life in a positive or negative way. Technically, its your choice of how you choose to hear or see the words.

Words can bring tears to you your eyes. Happy tears or Sad tears.

Words can make you roar  with laughter or sob in pain.

Words can bring light to you life.  Or make eveything go dark.

Words can describe things from the smallest thing to the most enormous thing in the universe.

People will view words in various amounts of ways. 

Words are everything. 

Words can bring ideas. 

Nobody may read this.

Somebody may.

If you do read it, leave me a comment saying "Words." Or anything you please.

It depends on what words you choose to write a comment with.

These bundle of words have absolutely no meaning. I was bored at 1 AM trying to write a story like I do on my free time.

This time i chose to do something different.

I just wanted to rant about words.

Here are my results.

                                                                                The End

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