Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to LuTia Colbert

Here is the last installment! Hope you enjoy it. First chapter dedicated to my little sister. :^)

Mykaela's P.O.V.

Curtis is “busy” again tonight. I have no idea what is going on with my husband. He tells me he is working but something just feels off. I know there is something he is not telling me. 

Unfortunately, I’m on maximum rest. So I cant investigate. Well not bed rest, just resting more than normal. Those are “Dr. Jackson” orders or Mr. Overprotective as he is called by me. Luckily, O Jr., also known as Marquise, and some of his friends are keeping me company with a movie night. Lets face it, there really isn’t much he can do with his very pregnant step mom. He supplied the movies so I ordered the pizza. Well I say pizza but there is cheesy bread, garlic bread and every kind of wing they carry. 

“Everyone ready?” “Oh yeah!” The boys chorused. I couldn’t help but smile. Bringing back memories of me, Tyler and the whole gang. O Jr. starts the movie and of course that’s the moment I have to pee. I start the rocking process to get up. If you have ever been pregnant or seen a pregnant woman get up then you know what I mean. “You need some help.” Seriously that wasn’t a question. I was actually told that I needed help. The boys all kind of say at the same time. I instantly shake my head. “Got it.” Finally off the couch I head to the restroom for the umpteenth time today. 

Why babies like to play with internal organs, especially the bladder, no one will ever know. After the short pee, I give my hands the thirty seconds wash. As I am rinsing a pain shoots across my lower back. “Oh dear God what is that?” I speak lowly as to not alarm O Jr. I keep my breathing controlled as my hands grip the sink. The pain isn’t overbearing but painful enough. I can hang on, this will be gone in a second. 

“Myk are you alright?” Guess I was there longer than I thought. The pain ceased in that moment. I whipped the door open. “Yeah fine. Just washing my hands” O Jr. just nodded his head not looking at all like he believed me. He followed right behind me back to the living room. 

Wow I was really in there a long moment. The movie is about one third of the way through. I sit back in my comfy chair that Curtis bought me at my baby shower. When my body relaxes into the chair the pain hits again. I take in a sharp deep breath and let it out slowly. “That’s it. I’m calling Dad.” Oh man! All I did was breath. How can you pick up something from that? Before I can stop him Curtis already picked up on the other end. The boys have basically surrounded me as if they are the team of doctors and they will deliver the baby if they have to. 

“No! Dad we are going to meet you at the hospital.” He hung the phone up with no more words. “Everyone get on your shoes.” They all took a moment to get shoes. “Marquise there rea-” His hand went right up stopping me mid word. “Don’t even try it. We are going, you have no choice.” Then he turned to his friends to give out instructions. “Kyle grab Myk’s house shoe boots by the door and put them on her. Charlie, get the keys off the hook.” He yelled back running off down the hall. Kyle returned to the living room and placed my house boots on my feet. 

O Jr. returned a short time later with his shoes on and my bag in his hand. “Ryan and Lew help her out of the chair. ” They lifted me, unwilling, out of the chair. Kyle grabbed my purse from the side table and we proceeded out of the door. Oh boy this is turning into some crazy night. “This is so unnecessary.” I said to no one in particular as we left the apartment. “Yeah, yeah,  yeah, I want a second opinion.”

The few people in the lobby watched as we stepped off the elevator and walked toward the doors. The boys made a tight circle around me. O Jr. in front, Kyle and Charlie on the sides with Ryan and Lewis pulling up the rear. There are already two black Tahoe’s waiting. I wanted to question it but I can see Dean standing at the first one. I got to say that this whole ordeal makes me really proud of O Jr. He is so running his own business one day.

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