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In the town of Chamonix France, the dark brown haired woman sat on the couch with a French soap opera on.

"Yes Casey. I'm home and about to go to bed." The woman known as Violet said sighing.

Her sister Casey knew she was new to this town and tried to make her comfortable as she is starting her new school soon.

"I just want to make sure you are getting a good sleep." Casey said. "I'll be fine." Violet said and hung up.

"Tu as beau!" The attractive man said loudly to the blonde haired woman who hesitated in walking away. Violet rolled her eyes and switched the channel.

Her eyes flickered to the clock where it was about 7:30 PM. Her parents were supposed to be here for dinner at 5 but I looks as though they are not coming.

She cleared up the plates and food and sat back down on the plush couch. It was 7:36 PM when she felt a searing pain in her chest.

It was like her heart was breaking in half. Violet gasped for breath and felt like crying. She stumbled to her phone but when she got it, she felt fine.

The breaking heart feeling was over and the air flowed normally in her lungs. "Must of been the ice cream." She muttered and sat back down.


Meanwhile on the other side of town a young dark blonde haired man was strolling down a street with grocery's in both hands.

He heard a cry of pain down the alley and spotted a little boy; probably no more than 7 or 8 lying on the damp floor and clutching his arm.

The man Adrian immediately dropped his bags and raced towards the crying boy. Only then did he see a group a grown men standing by smirking.

"Hey!" Adrian shouted. They looked at him with a mixture of arrogance and humor. "Looks like another one." One of them said.

"Another what? Also, there's a kid crying next to you! Do something!" He screamed and got to his knees next to the child.

His nose picked up something smelling of metal. It took 3 seconds to realize that it was blood. The thugs chuckled darkly and advanced on him.

Adrian gathered the child in his arms and started sprinting. A wild gasp from himself alerted him that something was wrong.

A warm wet feeling was pooling in his stomach. It's blood. He thought weakly and dropped onto the wet floor.

His blood was everywhere now. "Two in a day boys, Not bad." One thug said. Adrian looked up and dimly saw a police man.

There was shouting but all Adrian heard was muffled sounds as he slowly slipped from consciousness.


Later, the police found Adrian in a pool of blood. They couldn't save him but the little boy was in less fatal condition.

He returned to his family and thanked him at Adrian's grave. As you can see; Adrian's night was a bit worse than Violet's but she will have her tough times.

Don't worry about Adrian; he's fine. Watching over his soulmate is all he really wants.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2017 ⏰

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