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Since I was a child I always asked myself the philosophical questions anyone must have asked at one point... who am I, does destiny exists, what is my purpose on this planet, what is happiness ? I remember debating with my friend for hours on end ..... did I found the answer ? Yes I did in some extent.....
I am looking around me now and I see purpose, love and everything I ever wanted and on top my beautiful daughter.... why is it that when we do reach the point that we always dreamt we do not recognise it? The moment I have what I want I just want more and more and more and I keep running thinking that Is purposely but in fact the purpose is short sited... As soon as I put the tick in one box another 5 lines appear in my to do list, on my wish list, on my life list...
Increase my unfair the payout I get for how long and hard I work ...
Go in holiday... not any holiday The perfect for weeks... then book what seem to promise to be the perfect holiday....dont look at the price...that is what you work the button !
Run home from work, tired, homeworks, eating is good, I am stressed, fat, raised my voice to my daughter which doesn't want to go to sleep in time, feeling guilty and so tired.....
STOP! BREATHE! TAKE IN THE POINT YOU ARE IN YOUR LIFE! And enjoy... whatever you do , wherever you are....

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2017 ⏰

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