♛ Introduction ♛

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Nevada was always curious about the lake her mother and father forbid her to go anywhere near to.

It excited her, the thought of not being stuck in the palace she has lived in all her life.

She wanted an adventure.

She wanted something to happen.

She often wondered why the enchanted lake her Parents had forbidden her to go anywhere near to was so dangerous.

Yes, it may be enchanted, but what magic could harm her?

Many people she had met from the town her parents (the king and queen) ruled over, had told her wonderful things about the mysterious lakeside, fairies that danced over calm waters, mermaids that swam in the depths of it, dragons that hid in the caves surrounding the lake, and when the night approached, the lake seemed to have a mystical purple glow that lit up everything surrounding it.

Not many people had visited the lake, but it was surrounded by a dense layer of shrubs, trees and greenery.

And that only intrigued Neve more.

But her parents, King Alexander and Queen Juliette want to protect their precious not-so-little-anymore princess.

Although all Neve wants is answers - mostly found out by herself.


hey everyone, my name is Elsie and this is my fanfiction, Lakeside.

as some of you may know, I have abandoned my Joe Sugg one 'popularity' to write this one, and I promise great things about this one.

I'm also superrrr excited to write this as it's very different from other fanfictions out there on the internet lol

my writing has definitely improved as well and I'm writing this in 3rd person so I can capture all the feelings and it's much mUCH easier to write!

-Elsie x

[started writing- 23rd April 2017]

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2019 ⏰

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