content warnings & a/ns & ploys for votes

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The following story has content warnings for: self-harm, suicide, mental illness (eating disorders)

hey, for those of you who don't already know, I'm eve.

I actually really hate author's notes, these days. It doesn't add anything to the reading experience and just feels dumb af, but I also want to explain myself and don't want you guys to feel as though you can't interact with me - so I write them anyway.

This is a story, as the blurb has already said, about a trio of messed kids in primary school.

I wrote some version of this story years ago, then worked on it again around about exam time a few months ago, and just finally got around to editing it again over the last fornight. It's still not perfect but it's better than it was and that's all I can hope for.

For those of you who don't know what the hell this story is think Breakfast Club meets Stranger Things basically. It'll make more sense when you read on.

This author's note was basically just a ploy to get more votes...

Sorry not sorry 😂😉

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