Chapter One: Camping

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Ring! Ring! Ring!

The last bell of the day rang three times, signaling another day in hell is over. Everyone in the classroom all stood up at once, like they were possessed, and started filing out of the room. They clamored out, Mrs.Hartman calling out "Have a great summer!"

The science lab was fairly empty, except for a few stragglers, including me. I was stuffing my science folder into my bag, when Mrs.Hartman called me over to her desk.

"Cassandra, can you please come here?" She asked kindly.

I sighed inwardly, but obliged. I zipped my bag and hauled it over my shoulder. Mrs.Hartman sat at her dark oak desk, scanning her computer screen. I approached the front of the desk, and she looked at me immediately. "I have some good news," she pulled open a drawer, and revealed a packet of papers. On them were random scribbles, messy handwriting, and a flash drive sat on top. I recognized it as Raina and I's science fair project.

Mrs.Hartman set it on her desk, "Your project was the best one I have seen so far, or at least the concept. If you would like, I would love to enter this into the state science fair. What do you think?"

I glanced at the pathetic papers, remembering how long it took Raina and I to come up with this. I was never a fan of science, but Raina was a totally different story. Even though I came up with the idea, she carried out the procedure, what we needed and what we didn't, and everything else I didn't understand. You would say she was a nerd. A huge one.

"I'll have to ask Raina," I said, glancing at the door out of the corner of my eye. Mrs.Hartman nodded and put the papers back into her drawer. I turned and headed for the door, repositioning my bag.

I entered the crowded hallway, shoving my way through. I reached for my locker when I saw someone coming towards me. Raina.

"Hey, remember tonight?" She leaned against another locker. "Well, tomorrow actually."

I swung my locker open and grabbed my jacket, "Yeah, I know. We've been planning this for months now, how could I forget?" I shut my locker and saw Raina raise an eyebrow. "Don't answer that."

She laughed, shaking her brown ponytail. Even though she was a nerd, she was good at hiding it. All her friends, including me, were what every kid in the 7th grade called the "Popular Kids." It was full of jocks, a couple of nerds, and a ton of models. I was the only resident thespian, and even though most of the students resented our little click, they liked or respected me. Probably because I talked to them instead of ignoring them.

"Earth to Cassie!" Raina snapped her fingers in front of my eyes. I jumped, and Raina shook her head. "Lets go home already."


"You ready to go?" Raina heaved her giant duffle bag into the truck.

"Yeah," I said, "And what is in that thing?" I lifted my two smaller bags into the trunk.

"Oh nothing. Just my whole collection of magazines, and some books. Don't forget the make-up." She slammed the red truck's door closed. She then climbed into the back seat and the engine roared. Her father was driving. I followed, only on the other side of her.

"But why would you need make-up on a camping trip?" I asked. I pulled my seat belt on, this truck just scared me. I always thought it would crash it someday, and I still think that.

"You never know what you'll be up against," she said as her dad started pulling out of my driveway, and I clutched the door like it was a lifeboat on open water. "Oh calm down! He's the best driver you know!"

"And the only one who volunteered!"

Raina started laughing, but I was far from it. "Who do we have to pick up again?"

Her father turned a corner and sighed. "You have a terrible memory. Marissa and Holly are coming with us."

I whipped my head around sharply, "What?! This was not the deal we made." Raina opened her mouth but I interrupted. "You said we would only be with your obnoxious cousin Holly, not her and prissy Marissa! She wouldn't last a day in the woods!"

Raina's dad stopped the truck and I lurched forward. He was pulled up beside a bright white house and two girls filed out. I saw how many suitcases they were lugging over and I groaned. "What are your cousins thinking?"

"They are actually the reason I have all that make up."

"Why must I be your best friend and be brought along in this roller coaster of horror?!" I said throwing my hands into the air. Raina shrugged, "You were the one who volunteered."

I crossed my arms over my chest and huffed. I heard the door on Raina's side open and looked to see a crown of bleach blonde hair sitting a top Holly's head. She sat down beside Raina, and Marissa crawled in behind her. She had the exact same hair-do, (or hair-don't in my opinion) except her red-brown mane was decorated with crude white butterflies. When the two were finally settled, I was squished into the door of the truck, my head smashed against the window when the truck drove down the street again.

The truth was, I didn't mind Holly that much. She was the sweeter of the two, especially when Marissa wasn't around. And she actually liked me, but I didn't really care about that. Marissa was a totally different story. She annoys me without even trying, and I know she doesn't. Raina told me that she was actually trying to be nice, but I just shrugged it off.

"Hey Cassandra," Marissa said in her nasally voice.

Speaking of the devil...

"What's up?" I asked, plastering a smile on my face.

She leaned forward and squinted. "Where did you get that necklace?"

I glanced down at the gold chain with a fake emerald hooked to it. My mother had bought it at a thrift store in the jewelry section. It was plain, no intricate shape or anything. Why would Marissa want to know about it?

"I don't know," I lied, "My mother gave it to me for my birthday last month. Why?"

She shrugged. "I don't know, I just like it. Looks great on you too."


She smiled brightly and went back to staring out the window.

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