the boy in the hotel (Niall Horan)

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"GET AWAY FROM ME! PLEASE! WHAT DID I DO?" I screamed in horror , clutching my 2 year old daughter ,elsa, to my chest.                                                                                                                                          "YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT YOU FUCKING DID YOU HOE!I COME IN FROM A LONG DAY AND THRE YOU ARE SAT ON THE SOFA WATCHING FUCKING T.V!" 

I flinched at the choice of language conor,my boyfriend ,chose.

"I-Im sorry ,I'll make your dinner now,I was trying to put elsa to sleep......what would you like for dinner?" I said ,scared.

"ITS TOO FUCKING LATE NOW!" He yelled walking over to me.

He ripped elsa  out of my hands and slapped our child across the face , hard.

"NO,STOP IT,DONT TOUCH HER, HIT ME NOT HER!SHES DONE NOTHING WONG!!" I pleaded for my abusive boyfriend to leave our daughter alone.

"WHATEVER YOU SAY BABE" He spat malicously.

He stumbled over to me , alcahol strong on his breath , he rose his hand above his head and brought it into contact with my face.Then I blacked out.

He hasnt always been this way. At one point he was the loving , caring , romantic boyfriend that you deam of that would do anything for you.But that was before he started drinking , then everything changed.We had been together for 2 years when it started , the abuse.It started off he would just yell at me and threaten me , but over time it got worse, he would hit me and force me to have sex with him.I didnt think of it as abuse,I thught it was me, I thought it was all my fault and that I brought it upon myself for not being a good enough girlfriend.I tried,I really did , but it was never enough.

One night ,after he came home from the pub , he was more drunk than I had ever seen him , witch scared me.


it was at least 2 in the morning and I was asleep in bed.He came and he starting shouting and using me as a punch bag.Any way the end of it all...he forced himself upon me,sexually.It was horrible,he was being so rough.

And thats how we got Elsa.



thank you for reading!the story will be getting better soon!this is my first ever fanfic so give me feedback! thank you again . also follow me on twitter @hllnx1dx

sadie xx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2014 ⏰

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