Chapter One

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A/N note: Hi! I just wanted to let you all know that is not edited and it really bad 😂 but it gets better as it goes on.

Annie's POV:
RINNGG.."Ugh" I groan as I try to find the snooze button on my ANNOYING alarm clock. When I finally hit snooze Hayley comes bursting in my room and jumping on my bed. "Annie wake up! Mom and dad want to tell us something important!!" She says quickly while getting off of my bed. "Ok! Ok! I'm up I'm up!" I say as I'm lifting myself off the bed and into bathroom. Once I get in there I take a shower and go to get clothes from my closet(Pic above). I take out a maroon light sweatshirt and some ripped skinny jeans paired with some brown boots. I get dressed than quickly pull my hair into a messy bun and walk down the stairs only to see Hayley eating breakfast and Mom and Dad with a serious face on while she's vlogging. "What's with the serious faces" I say while giggling and sitting down to eat breakfast. Both my mom and dad lean over the island and say " Okay guys so don't freak out but we're moving to L.A.." Me and Hayley both drop out forks at the same time and look at each other and scream "OMG IM SO EXCITED!" Dad and Mom look shocked at our reaction but were happy that we weren't upset. "Wait what about school and gym?" Hayley asks as we're both running up the stairs. "Well Hay Hay, you'll be going to a new school or you can be homeschooled and Annie you can do the same thing." We both nodded until Dad says " As for gym you'll be switching. And also were leaving tom to get packed." We both said ok and left into our own rooms to pack. I took out two suitcases and put all of my regular stuff into one while all of my stuffed animals were in the other one.When I finish packing Hay Hay comes into the room and says "Annie can you come and help me pack?" "Sure Hay Hay."
A NOTE:Hey guys! So this is my first story and I'm really excited! I will post either everyday or when I get a chance to! Ya enjoy!!

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