Love & Abuse

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If you love me,

Tell me why your fist treats me like I'm less than;

Like I'm the slave and you're slave master 

If you love me like you say you do,

why am i greeted daily with the five letter words of your fist,

instead of baby, you call me Bitch!

"BITCH . . . . . I said I love you, Now stop crying!''

My face is swollen from you "Loving" me too hard.

Since when does love hurt this much?

Your Signature smile was always a warning sign!!!

but Love Blinded me and made me fonder of your sweet heavy handed touch,

I was being held in the arms of  my monster.

capture by my own wishes, and silently thrown into a death trap,

where only the unleash of your fist from my neck

can finally help me see that i'm trapped.

A breath of fresh air ( i gasped still under the impression of your fist, still confused)

"You said you loved me?"

but if you did why does your image cause me to fear love itself?

your words cripple my spine to where

I can't even stand on my own two feet.

i am now even scared of the air my body longs to breathe, 

death is closer to comfort.

the engravements of your fist became my eye shadow,

bound between these four walls,

Home is not home any more,

It became prison.

you decorated body with bruised and gashes,

this is your ideal image of Beauty.

But you say you love me.

To be beautiful is to be beaten.

your degrading vernacular is your love's vow and my heart's abuser.

you said you loved me 

Aren't I supposed to be happy?

then why does it pains me to smile.

i'm now allergic to your touch,

you've replaced affection with reactions,

 my cheeks swell up to appear as if i'm smiling,

(you Bitch slapped me) you feel accomplished.

you say you love me 

but why does night take over my eye sight in the bright of day?

and why don't you add on to me....?,

instead you break me down to a fraction.

they're all lies.

I was blinded not only by love

but by your fist wrapped around the image of love in my mind.

I am no longer a fool , i can finally see.

you say you love you,

But you dont.

written by leah hayden. 

please vote for this poem and my other ones.

 thanks for the support. <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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