There are times when we fail to say thank you to the people we are most grateful for. We tend to neglect their presence in our lives and we take them for granted knowing that we would always have them. But now almost 12 yrs. had passed since your sudden passing last May 15, 2001, even then:
Pa, thank you for providing all the things I have and especially the time when we needed you, you're always there. When we were young you showed us how to devote ourselves to church activities, attend masses, novenas and prayer meetings. Thank you for being a good example towards us. Pa, thank you for being a playmate. I remembered so well, when I was about 7 yrs of age, you taught me how to play damath, chess, and cards especially solitaire. I 'm very grateful for your presence Papa because you instilled in me the basics of learning. Thank you for encouraging me to improve my studies, for always being there, motivating me to do my very best. For being there always, I am so blessed to have you.
You never stifled us with your authoritative attitude instead you would always make us realize the pros and cons of our actions. You knew well our limitations and always reminded us for that. Thank you for the comfort whenever mama got mad. She'd always demanded you to whip us and though you didn't want to do so you still did it, you explained to us why though and we deeply understood.
I am very happy, very blessed for having you as my number one fan and for believing in my skills. Thank you for the physical,mental, emotional and spiritual support, for the care, for the time and attention and most of all for the unconditional love you've given to us, that until this time I could still feel it. I know that I had and always will love you and I'm so lucky to be your daughter.
Whatever happens and no matter what circumstances, I won't trade you for anything - not for anything... Even When You're Gone...Missing and loving you Always and Forever