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The heavy darkness pressed against my body, suffocating. My hand fumbled with the slick handle of my flash-light, I just wanted to break this thick cloud of gloom. Anywhere was better there. The stench of bat faeces, blood, rotting wood, and something to the likeness of decaying flesh burns my nostrils. My breath was all that I could hear. My footfalls are quick and heavy. If there was anybody here, I am positive that they would’ve known I had entered the premises. Yet I knew I was alone.
  My flash-light isn’t turning on, leaving me alone with the never ending darkness. As I swallowed, trying to get the dry, dusty taste out of my mouth, I tucked the torch back into my belt. A bead of sweat trickled down the drape of my neck. This place gave me chills, chills that shivered up and down my spine, even more so than the other room. From the tall, square, boarded windows to the large, squeaky doors in the ominous space of oblivion throughout this abandoned medical warehouse. The lack of sight was playing tricks on my mind. It was almost as If I could hear footsteps sounding off behind me and a cool breath on my neck followed by laughter, bouncing off the walls. I pulled my walkie-talkie out, asking for help. All I got in return was an ear splitting static feedback. Should never have even tried. After all I’m now no longer connected.
  Too many turns have been taken, I know not where I reside within this decaying structure, at this moment in time. The darkness is impenetrable for my human eyes. I run my hands against the rugged, gritty walls. Catching cobwebs in-between my fingers. My hand traces over a cool, metal object. I feel around it, hoping  to God it was an exit to the outside, the entrance to my freedom. The rusty smell of my own blood intermingles with the rancid scent throughout this medical establishment.
  Taking a deep breath through my mouth. I shakily work my way down the wall, just using my finger tips to graze it. Trying to trace my way back to the general beginning area, I notice a faint outline of light beyond a mysterious door. Using my uninjured hand, I grabbed the rusted door handle with my damp palm. Opening the door, I saw the same operating table, the same strange surgical instruments and the same radio with the repeating, static riddled tune.
  I sat down in the middle of the room, and closed my eyes, wanting to leave here. I’ll never be able to through this room of darkness and loneliness. I sat alone in the room, with its white unwashed walls and its fluorescent lights, waiting. I just had to wait, then hopefully..hopefully someone would save me from my abandonment.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2017 ⏰

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