A provoked death?
you may ask yourselves
is a murder caused by
someone's actions
How you may ask
here let me teach
I was young an
apprentice training
to be a warrior of
ThunderClan so
much had happend
Tigerclaw was banished
Fireheart was deputy
and Bluestar, she had
bees in her brain, that's
for sure. Everything was
the samee moons
later. I had gone to a Gathering
I spoke to some ShadowClan
apprentices, I let it
slip that we were sheltering
Brokentail. I didn't think
anything about it
until ShadowClan and WIndClan
came charging into camp.
I had caused a war.
One day I went on
patrol with Bluestar
Fireheart Cloudpaw and
my mentor Longtail.
We found a RiverClan
patrol invading Sunningrocks.
I knew after the battle I would
be made a warrior.
my hopes were crushed when
Fireheart told me to
go back to camp and
get help.
I was ready to be a
warrior, but Bluestar was
so convinced that every
cat in her clan was a
traitor excluding Fireheart
and Cloudpaw making him
a warrior; Cloudtail. that
left Brightpaw, Thornpaw,
and I in the apprentices
I grew fustrated,
livid, and annoyed.
It compelled me more
than ever to prove myself
to Bluestar. That night I
spoke among the apprentices
convincing them that if we
did something brave, she'd
have to make us warriors.
Brightpaw was the only
one who joined me, we were
going to see who or what was
stealing prey from Snakerocks
and drive it out. Brightpaw said she
scented danger but I paid no mind
as we trudged along. Soon enough
we came face to face with dogs
four times our size. We fought as hard
as we could, but six more showed up.
I ended up in a tree swiping and hissing
as Brightpaw fought below. One yanked
me down from the tree and from there,
all I saw was