Taco bell.save me

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"UGH" I roll out of bed and land face first on the ground "OW, I forget I had a floor " I said then I here my phone buzz for my daily reminder

You have nothing to do to day
Free day . Yay 😃

"Imma go to Taco Bell get there new breakfast menu " I said  I got ready for the day I put on some clothes (up above ^^) and got on musically for a little while and watched some cosplay one and danny Blake ones also I watched some YouTube I watched some miles cronicals and the Blake boys "omg josh dun Danny  is so adorable!!" I said to my self as I watched a video then I headed out the door and started to ride my skateboard to Taco Bell and I remembered a thing Justin said in a video that was funny so I yell "Taco Bell ,I'm comin for you baby" and then I chuckled to by self a bit


I walk into Taco Bell and breathe the air "aw I love this place " " me too " I here behind me and I turn around and I almost scream in WAS FUCKING DANNY and JUSTIN BLAKE "hi my name Danny what's your " he said and me being me I stand there in silence and then it happens I start to rambling "himynameisalexandiamabigfanofyouts" i said really fast "wow we got another crazy fangirl " Justin whispered into Danny ear "nah" Danny said "whatever " Justin said  "so do you want to sit with us Alex "
"I would be love to " I said "okwell come on " then we get our orders and wait at the table "I wonder what's taking so long " Danny said "idk I going to draw " and I got out me death note book "your a fan of death note" Danny said "yeah I love death note I really want to cosplay a Lawiet "you COSPLAY! "  he said "yeah, why do you wan- " I was cut of by our order coming and Justin screaming "FOOD!! "

It started with Taco Bell ( Blake boys  fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now