The first appearance was in Tokyo, Japan. After that, more strange powers continued to breed throughout humanity. From being able to harden your outer layer of skin, to being able to fly, the average person was soon to become what was only thought to ever be a dream. Some people used their quirks to try and make the world a better place, however there were of course a few out-liars that decided to use their quirks for whatever they wanted. They were split into the two different cliche 'Hero' and 'Villain' archetypes. Since this miraculous event, schools have been built to teach students with amazing quirks how to use them to help the world and to eventually become heroes. Oh and I almost forgot, this is the story of how I became the worlds greatest weeaboo...
Wait is that right?...
Zen's POV
"Alright! Entrance exams start in 3 weeks! I need to mentally and physically prepare myself for what's to come!" I say enthusiastically while not facing anybody in particular.
"Dude aren't you just going to binge like 5 different anime shows during those three weeks and NOT do any work for the exams?" Said Carlos sitting lazily in a desk about 75 degrees to my left.
"SHUT UP CUNT! I CAN FOCUS WHEN I PUT MY MIND TO IT!" I shouted with a loud voice but not loud enough to hurt his ears. I tended to jokingly yell whenever people contradicted me.
Veronica replied with a very exasperated and almost sigh like "Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure."
"Suck my ass." I remote.
"Hey that's my line Hetero!" Carissa pops up into the conversation with a quick comment and then returns to her book. All I could make out of the title was what seemed like the made up word "Teetans". Probably one of her weird fan-fictions, like man who writes those kinds of things? They must be some weird people.
Quest walks up behind me, puts his hand on my shoulder and said: "Zen I expect you to be ripped and able to run a mile without stopping by the time we see each other at the entrance exam." Quest always seemed to have high expectations out of everybody but also seemed to make it to where everybody is actually way better than they think.
"You're kidding right?"
"Nope!" Quest said with an ear to ear smile, he walks towards the double doors but before he lets gravity close them for him, he turns around and says to all of us as a whole: "You all better get in." In the scariest but the nicest way possible.
"Man he's so weird." Shayla said breaking our ten seconds of silence.
"Bitch we're all weird!" Carlos snapped at Shayla
"Well I guess I better start practicing, I'll be taking off now." I said to the rest of the group.
"All right tell me how many episodes of One Piece you finish." Replied Veronica.
"Fuck you all." I don't look back as I continue to open the physical doors in front of me, and the metaphorical doors leading toward my hopefully bright future as a Hero.
"He's so young still." Says Mercedes to the others thinking I couldn't hear her.
Three different anime, lot's of soda, and a little bit of work out time later...
There were many more people here than I expected, All of them showed off their quirks without giving a care in the world if anybody else saw them. That's a rookie move, luckily me, along with my friends (with the exception of Shayla who shows off her quirk for her boyfriend all the time) try to hide our quirks until we need them so people don't know what to expect. I can tell that we are all very nervous for what's to come because none of us have said a word to each other as we all wait the remaining time before the Exam starts. What lies ahead is what none of us were going to expect.