Loving you was never easy
It was never perfect
There were nights filled with sorrow
And tears
And worry
But by god
I loved it
I loved your laugh
The way your eyes lit up
Whenever you talked about your passions
Your likes
Your dreams
I don't know what drew me to you
I don't know if it was your smile
The way you stood
Back straight
And head held high
Something i never did
Maybe that was it
You were everything i wanted to be
But then i got to know you
The way you hid
Behind your smile
The way i could see
The sadness in your eyes
The faraway look
The vulnerability
And that drew me in even more
You changed me
You showed me things i never imagined
You taught me to believe in myself
To be confident in my beliefs
That is was okay to have opinions
That it was okay to be vulnerable
I guess it doesn't matter though
Cause you changed too
You stopped smiling
You stopped laughing
You lost that light
You collapsed into yourself
Taking me with you
While leaving me behind
People ask
"What would you do if you could go back in time"
I don't answer
Because i know it isn't an answer they'll like
They expect me to say
"I would never meet him"
"I would run the other way"
But i cant
Because id be lying
Because truthfully
If i had the choice
To go back in time
I wouldn't choose
Not to meet you
I wouldn't choose
To run the other way
I would choose
To love you
All over again
Like it was the first time
Because by god
Loving you was
The best
And worst
Choice i ever made
Okay so this one was really personal to me, and it was actually the first time I've ever really written a poem... so yeah it's low key really bad haha. Lemme know what y'all think!
Snippets of Stories
RandomJust little snippets of stories I'll probably write in the future, I am totally open for prompts and such :) just message me