I'm am So Sorry

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To my readers,

I am so sorry I have not been updating that much especially since I said I would, but to be really honest with you I am having trouble trying to find the time and to motivate myself to write this. It is hard trying to maintain basketball, track, and school, but also family all at the same time I am trying to write a story. I mean I really do love writing but I don't have all the time I thought I would have to write. I just really don't my grades to start lacking and me not spending enough time with my mom because of this story. But I should be updating from time to time it is just that I don't know when I will. So I don't think it is fair on my behalf to tell you I am going to write and I don't. So during the summer I will update a lot I am pretty sure of, but for right no wit is kind of tight to do all of this all at one time. So i hope you guys can forgive me and understand. I love you guys so much and thanks for all the support.


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