Chapter fifteen
Jade's P.O.V (Dove)
I groaned as my eyes fluttered open, only to quickly close them back with a soft yelp when someone blinded me with a penlight directly in my still sensitive eyes. This was followed by the sound of a tongue clicking in distaste came from my right side. "Really now Jade," a kind male voice stated, "I had less trouble with you when you were a baby."
"If you want kind and cooperative then don't blind me with a fucking penlight as soon as I wake up!" I snarled without thinking. Then slowly my eyes opened again as the voice finally registered in my brain, "Dr. Luther?" I asked shocked.
Sure enough sitting in front of me was none other then Lex Luther. He smiled at me kindly, "Come now surely you remember your dear ole Uncle Lex," he stated as he reached out to tuck a loose strand of my red hair behind my ear.
But I jerked away, "You helped the Joker give me these," I stated coldly as I wrapped my wings around myself like a blanket, "You locked me in a cage and injected me with serum after serum until one day I woke up with wings!"
A door I hadn't noticed slammed open, then Poison Ivy and Thorn stormed in, "Get out Luther!" Poison Ivy screamed, "Get away from my daughter, and get out of my house!"
Thorn took a step towards me, and nearly got her head taken off by my wing, "Easy Jade, it's okay you're safe now. You're home."
I pulled away shaking my head, "This isn't my home," I stated as I slowly started to shake, "This isn't my home!"
"Get out of my way Ivy she needs me!" it was Lex Luther's voice again. "She's having a bad reaction to the sleeping powder you used!"
Tears were openly streaming down my cheeks, "I wanna go home," I sobbed into my knees, "I wanna go home!"
Suddenly a calm feeling washed over me as a woman dressed all in purple walked, well more like floated in. "There now," she cooed as she moved to stand by girls, "All better and none of those nasty shots," she smiled at me, "Come now Princessa, surely you remember Auntie Robbie?"
"Roberta," Luther snarled, she only spared him a side ways glance.
"Lex," was all she said in return.
Teen Titans Love
FanfictionI'm not very good at these but I hope you like the story.