Isolation For Two {a jelsa fic}

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hi, loves:

this is for Noelle's Jelsa fic competition, and if you like it, don't forget to vote. Drop me a comment, yeah? 

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Jack is in trouble.

He had known that the minute he and Bunny had started to brawl. Mind you, it hadn’t started out as a one. A small argument spirals out of control and the next thing Jack knows, the earth beneath his feet is opening up and swallowing him whole. He doesn’t even remember what they were fighting about. It’s probably something unimportant. It usually is.

And now look where he is. A stupid mountainside on the middle of nowhere, covered in a deep layer of stupid sno–

There are a lot of stupid things  about his situation, but the snow isn’t one of them. No, the snow might be the finest he’s ever seen. Soft, white, powdery. Jack sinks to his knees, feeling the white fluff. And beneath it all, something hard.

His staff!

He scrambles for it gratefully, glad that it’s made its way here.

Otherwise I’d have no way out of here, Jack thinks, twirling the staff. Wherever ‘here’ is.

Jack can feel the wind swirling around him, raising him up as he sets off to ride the wind – when he hears it.


Slowly, he turns around and finds himself  nearly nose-to-nose with a snarling, slobbering, ready-to-rip-him-apart wolf.

He freezes. Barely breathes. “Good doggy,” he whispers, taking a ginger step away. Jack’s staff comes around his back, readying itself to strike. “Good dogg–”

With a growl, the wolf pounces on him, staff flying back into the snow. He struggles to push it off him, grunting with the effort.

Its snapping muzzle is near his chest, and Jack barely manages to hold it back.

“Stop that!”

Jack looks up and nearly dies, though whether it is from relief at his deliverance or suddenly looking at the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen, he’ll never know. 

“Stop it!” she says again, and pats her thighs. “Here, Caba!”

Eagerly, the wolf leaves Jack for the girl, and he can’t blame it. It curls itself around her ankles, and she laughs and drops to her knees, stroking its fur. It purrs like a cat, like it hadn’t just been inches away from tearing his throat out.

The second thing he notices is his staff’s imprint in the snow. He scrambles over to get it. But the first thing he notices, as he points the staff in their direction, is the girl’s hair.

It’s pure white. Soft, and light to the touch, or so he’s betting, it looks like the snow. And most of all, it looks like Jack’s.

With gentle fingers, he touches his hair. Jack has never seen anyone with the same unusual, white hair that he has. But he keeps his staff pointed at her anyway.

The wolf growls at him.

“Who are you?” Jack demands. “Why’d you send that dog after me? What are you doing here?”

The girl pets the fluffy head once more and stand up, scoffing. “Excuse me, Caba is not a dog,” she sniffs, “She’s a snow wolf. And I could ask you the same thing. If you recall, I’m not the one who shot out of a random hole in the ground. What are you doing in my forest?”

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