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The cut

I'm so fed up of feeling this way

and i'm just being lead astray

I want to be happy, you know?

I hate feeling so low.

I just want some help from someone

But all I seem to do is run.

I always want to cry

Would it be easier to live or to die?

I don't know what to do anymore

What they did was against the law

I should move on from what they did

I just wanna get rid

of those horrible thoughts in my head

I want them dead.

They ruined my life

I want to grab a knife

They deserve to be tortured for what they did to me

Why can't you see

that it has caused so much pain

The memories, the flashbacks is driving me insane.

Please see

Please help me

Please.......i want to end it

I need to end it me

I should end it

It wouldn't effect anyone but me



You know this isn't what I wanted.

Not what I intended.

I just wanted an escape

got tired of the weight.

I carry a heavy burden

it haunts me day by day.

And the day it came upon me

was the day you forever changed.

I tried giving hints.

But nothing seemed to work.

The only thing that happened

was i kept getting hurt.

People laugh and people joke

but none of them really know.

They don't know the nightmare

that i call life.

Don't know how hard it is

to avoid that pocket knife

hear a joke, another laugh.

And you cut deep, another gash.

And I pray to God that you see the light

before you accidently risk your own life.


Do you care

I sit and wait for you to be there

Sometimes I wonder if you even care?

I sit and I cry waiting for the end

All you do is sit there and pretend

That I'm not there and the depression

Isn't real; You lie to yourself

You lie to me; As I sit in a corner

And weep and weep; It's to hard to swallow

To hard to breath

The mask is coming undone

Revealing the pain; revealing the sorrow

I sit and yell, I feel so alone

You yell and you scream

I feel like a pathetic waste,

Lost in a sea of lies

I feel like this depression

Will never die

Can somebody help?

Will anybody help me escape?

I'm begging now, just for a out

I scream your name, but your not there

Finally, I realize you don't care


            I'm sorry beautiful

Look I know you say I'm the best you ever had 

And now im gone your looking pretty sad 

And it's really hard to say this and it might be kinda bad 

But you don't need me and you never had

And I can't stand being around you 

And Thinking of what we could have had 

And I'm sorry but it high school it would be better 

Maybe there's a chance we could get back together

But until then I have to say goodbye 

But just know I love you and you know I'd never lie


                                  A cry for help 

You scream; but I can't hear

I'm dead so please

Leave me here

I cant help you

I can't help me

I wish I was a tree

To grow and blossom then die

But I'm a human with a mask

It broke and shattered away I wish I could of saw your smiling face today

But no all I saw was sorrow

I wish I wasn't alive tomorrow

Forgive me for not being there

Or leave me in dispair

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