There she was, back on her grind and thinking everything would be okay. Dropping the weight, no boy problems, and this natural everyday glo she had to her. Finally moving along from the everyday middle schoolers lifestyle , all the way to remodeling herself in 9th grade . She finally felt as if she had officially overcome her struggles but little did she know it was only catching break before she entered another battle with some new struggles . struggles you wouldn't believe she let last this long .
Monica is far from stupid I might say so myself , she was a pretty chubby cheeked child who was sometimes way to mature for her own good. She's a daddy's girl and that's where she get most of her traits from , even though she only been around him hip tight for two years a lot of him rubbed off on her . She was someone you considered antisocial and was always fascinated with some may claim as unordinary like what 14 year old did you know think like her ? Nobody. She was so different and she loved every bit of it . She was also big for her age , yes obese. She like to do anything any other teen liked to do.. sing,dance-- especially writing . She wrote on wattpad , an app her big little cousin introduced to her when Monica was on bed rest from dislocation of her left knee. Even though math was her favorite subject she honestly was never as good at it as writing. Writing was basically Monica's gateway from the world. Until one day Monica's mom stumbled upon the things Monica was writing about and decided to do what any other parent would do and that was when the break from wattpad came. Monica never really gave up on the app, she'll still sneak sometimes but she started to give up and lose interest in it - but never complete interest.
A little bit more of a physical description of Monica - She stood tall for her age 5'6 1/2 . Shes what majority call a 7 on a scale from 1 to 10. That's considered pretty right ? And she was a bit messed up in the mind and made her come off as crazy sometimes but it didn't really phase Monica on what people had to say, well it did but she never showed it- she even learned how to conceal her true feelings from her self.
It all started when Monica just turned 15. August 30th, she had been cutting her hair over the two summers and like the results of this summer's cut. She decided to let it grow, feeling for her pretty tight coil of curls . It wasn't that long but it was better than any-other time she tried something . No perm, maybe a texturizer to bring out the pattern more but she didn't mind the little help. Monica decided for her big 15 she was going to spend time with her mom, something she rarely ever had the chance to do considering her mother was what you call a workaholic. This probably had something to do with her being the only provider of the family of three . Three as in two kids, one mother . Her parents had different views on what's their top priorities. Mom decided dad didn't deserve to have his cake and eat it to . No dad wasn't a cheater but according to mom she refused to raise two kids within a drug and violence susbstained "home". At the age of 2 Monica had a step dad all the way up to now . We all know how them types of relationships are with step parents and that's why Monica, her little sister and her mom are in the predicament they're in now. Because of Monica.
Monica was what any step parent would call disrespect but Monica felt that she should treat people as they treat her resulting in her family getting put out. She remembers it like yesterday , having her bestie and a mutual friend over and they all hearing her mom getting put out . Step dad never actually put the kids out but where ever the mother goose goes her babies will follow. Monica and her mother might not have that ideal mother daughter relationship but anything that woman needs guess who was there? You guessed it, Monica and vise versa. From living in hotel room to hotel room for a couple days they finally moved to a battered woman's shelter that none of her friends knew of. On top of that there was this boy Monica really liked but Monica never opened up to anyone because she was always afraid. Afraid of being turned against , afraid of being exposed. She only had two bestfriends her whole life . One she's still besties with and the other they didn't end on too good of a note . They haven't done anything to exploit her but a boy? A boy is a totally different thing , especially being a boy she really liked. No Monica never loved this boy no never, only felt very strong for him. But they couldn't get along because he was still about all fun and games . Which brings You to her first chapter , Chapter .. J.