「92nd period」: celebration time

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I R O H A    I N U K A I
犬飼 彩葉
student no. 29

season 2 episode 22

Relief washed upon us when we finally came face to face with our teacher, when we finally reached the top of the mountain, easily walking through the shield of light.

But we were wavering, at this point, it was getting harder and harder to kill him. At this point, we were more willing to do what it took to let him escape.

"Korosensei, let's find a way out of here!" Kurahashi persuaded him. "We'll be your hostages—or whatever it takes!".

Everyone nodded in agreement, but it seemed like the octopus knew otherwise.

"There's no stopping that laser now, not when people know I'm out there".

"Did you know all along that it would come to this?" Hayami asked him, and in turn he began to explain how big of a situation we were caught up in.

"Even if I don't explode, you can't expect all these nations not to be afraid of a creature like me. Sooner or later, they'll want to snuff me out. It's only reasonable" he said.

"There might have been a way if only we'd acted sooner" Fuwa regreted. "Like breaking the barrier projectors or making the rounds online and on TV to plead our case!".

"That would have gotten you labeled even more dangerous, and you might have been placed under stricter surveillance" Korosensei immediately turned the ideas down.

"Besides, the projectors have impregnable defenses. There are anti-aircraft weapons in place if I so much as throw a rock at them. With your current capabilities and equipment, you'd likely get caught along the way. That is how perfect this plan was" he added, explaining briefly. "They spared nothing, pouting in tech and time and people. This assassination, this crystallization of the world's wisdom and efforts, surpasses my own abilities for which I offer my respect and am honored to have been its target".

"But... Then all our hard work getting here—that was all wasted?" Yada argued.

"Is anything ever really wasted, Yada-san?" The octopus placed a tentacle on the girl's head, "You went all the way to space to find out that the probability of my exploding was less than 1 percent. That brought the light back to a darkly sinking E Class, and the month that followed was short, but very sweet".

"That process, your hearts—that's what's important" he reminded us, pointing to his own. "You used every last but of what you learned to come and see me. As a teacher, there can be no greater happiness".

"So what if time's up?" Terasaka scoffed. "It's just 1 percent! That's a risk we'll take—and gladly! Why won't the government and the rest of 'em hear us out, when we're the ones who've been closest to you? This octopus... okay, he's a perv, but he's not dangerous!"

"What do they even know?" I muttered. "Just because we're in junior high doesn't mean we don't know any better than they do".

"We won't listen to what those kids have to say. We'll just pity them instead. It's insulting" Hazama mocked them.

"Like we can shut up and take this" Muramatsu agreed.

"Next time I see those goons, I'm gonna—" Yoshida joined in our ranting, only to be cut off when the octopus averted our attention by putting a tentacle on top of each of our heads.

"Terasaka, all of you... Let me give you some advice" he turned to everyone and began his speech. "As you go through life, the mighty current of society is bound to get in your way, and there will certainly be times things don't go as you'd hope".

"When this happens, do not look to society for a cause. Do not renounce society. Frankly, you'd be wasting your time. Instead, just say, 'That's life!' and muddle your way through with frustration. Once you're past it, consider: If society's swift current is tossing you around, how should you be swimming there in its midst. You should have learned how, here in Class E, in this assassination classroom.

You don't always have to stand and face it head-on. You can run, and you can hide. If it's not against the rules, you can try a sneak attack. You can use unconventional weapons. Stay determined—not impatient nor discouraged—and with repeated trial and error, you're bound to reach a splendid outcome eventually. That's because each and every one of you is a top-tier assassin, who can do just that".

"Geez. A lesson, really? Now?" Terasaka couldn't help but mention.

"Now's the time for this lesson. An educator never misses and opportunity to teach. But you know, for you to try so whole-heartedly to save me," the octopus placed a tentacle on each student of the class, "I'm so happy, I've been holding back tears this whole time. I mean it".

Korosensei was calm.

It was as if he prepared for this throughout the whole year. If he hadn't spent the entire year in Class E, wouldn't he be able to do more things that might as well be worthwhile.


Why did he decide to put up with us?


"By the way, Nakamura-san, your footsteps were awfully  gentle, even during that pitched battle" the octopus pointed out, "and... do I smell something sweet?".

"Sharp ears and a sharp nose..." Nakamura removed her belt to get the cake box out of her bag.

"It's been exactly one year since the day the moon exploded, right?" she recalled, as she presented the small cake she brought for the octopus.

"As I recall, Yukimura-sensei made today your birthday. Feel free to praise my skill in getting this here in one p—" the blonde said smugly before she got cut off by the sight of our teacher drooling, "Hey! I'm talking!"

"But... it's just..." the octopus reasoned out, turning pink, "It's my first sweet anything in a week!"

"Ew, you're drooling! Come on guys—let's get singing! And... go!" The girl hurriedly led the class as we started singing.

"Happy birthday to you~♪"
"Happy birthday to you!~♪"
"Happy birthday, dear Korosensei~♪"
"Happy birthday to you!~♪"

"Happy birthday to you~♪""Happy birthday to you!~♪""Happy birthday, dear Korosensei~♪""Happy birthday to you!~♪"

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